Postscript from Dr. Lawrence Ferguson

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To my colleagues,

I would first like to thank Ms. Pillay, who was gracious enough to share her journal with us. She survived for two years on the car transporter, until they were rescued by the Japanese Navy helicopter carrier, the Izumo, which was part of a larger international force. Following her time on the car transporter she helped in clearing the remaining living dead from the islands of Mauritius, Rodrigues and Reunion. Ms. Pillay demonstrated an excellent understanding of solar power and related electronics. As a result, she was sent along with Ms. Camille, Ms. Lucy, her Uncle Nevin, and her dog Milou to the Skeleton Coast. However, she was still suffering from severe PTSD and survivor's guilt. I conducted this exercise with the intention of helping her, I believe, as a medical practitioner, that it worked. The proof is in the pudding as they say.

I am happy to say Ms. Pillay gave birth to two healthy boys, Mani Junior and Dave Junior. She is happier and, more importantly, full of hope.

I advise my colleagues around the world to use the writing of a journal, recording of vlogs, audio recordings, or podcasts as a form of therapy. It helps. It brings hope, and we need hope. I believe it is what fuels us, humans that is, to keep going.

Dr. Lawrence Ferguson


Post Outbreak 07

The End

Valli : Personal Journal of Valli Pillay, a Living Dead Pandemic SurvivorWhere stories live. Discover now