22-1: Promises Made

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"You really are stubborn, aren't you?"

"Stubbornness has nothing to do with it, Ryleine. I made a promise. I swore an oath."

"Yes, a silly oath, Irikhart. One that you're stubbornly insisting on fulfilling. Despite the fact that the fate of Renryre Island hangs in the balance, that our friends are in great danger, and that The Three are trying to kill most of us, capture you, and generally ruin everything. You heard what Deklow said."

"If Cedwyck is alive, I will find him. Besides, Deklow said—"

"Yes, I know what he said."

Irikhart stopped in his tracks and sighed in soft resignation. He scanned the horizon to the east – a vast emptiness of sand and weathered rock. A wasteland, nothing but death and scorching heat. And the dead girl. Ryleine caught up, already sweating in the morning sun.

"You didn't have to come with me, Ryleine."

"I couldn't let you go alone, could I?"

"But Abbikson—"

"Would have been much better suited, yes," sighed Ryleine, "but you heard what Deklow said."

"Yes, I know what he said."

A silence fell upon the two. They stood barely two feet apart, eyes locked. Alone, probably a hundred leagues from the nearest person, from Helen's Bay, and anyone they knew.

"Why didn't you go with them? With Kyrnrie?" asked the god of fools.

"Kyrnrie? Well, I..."

"You like him, don't you? I mean, the two of you..."

Ryleine's gaze dropped to the sand blowing between her feet as she struggled to find her words.

"Well... he's... I think he likes me. I mean, I..."

"Then there is still a chance for me?"

Irikhart puffed his chest and smiled as Ryleine searched for an answer. It wasn't a 'no'. It wasn't a 'yes' either, but no answer was better than the wrong one.

"Of course," he said proudly, "I have yet to prove myself sufficiently! What is the next task you ask of me? The evidence you require to see my dedication, my true passion, my unquestionable love."

"Godsdammit," she laughed. "Stop saying silly things like that, for one!"

"You do not wish for me to complete a quest for you?"

"Fine," she relented with a smile. "Your next task, Irikhart, god of fools, is to not die on this foolish quest of yours!"

"I will make that my utmost priority!"

Irikhart turned towards the east, to the sun, long since risen. He wondered how much longer they could travel before making camp. He was sure they were close to Dead Girl's Crater, but were they close enough to risk travelling in the sun? Ryleine couldn't handle it nearly as well as he could.

"We should find somewhere to camp," he relented. "Before it gets too hot."

Ryleine began to walk without commenting, but she smiled lightly as she did. Enough to show that she appreciated his fussing over her.

"At least I have sufficient clothing now," he pointed out as he followed her.

"Yes," she chuckled. "That much we have accomplished!"

"I still don't understand why this shirt needs to be so tight," he said, investigating it once more. "You can see every muscle in my chest straight through this thin fabric. And it barely contains my biceps either. And these shorts..."

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