Would you like to meet my kitty?

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   A/N: Hello my loves 💜 I've missed you

   After about a cool 30 minutes of Jimin laughing maniacally swerving in and out of traffic like a madman and Hobi emitting sounds of a wild hyena while he clenched onto his seatbelt for dear life. They had finally reached their destination.

   He slowed down and turned into the parking lot continuing towards the employee garage. The owner had a specialized garage made in the back for his employees that allowed them to enter and exit discreetly avoiding the perverts and men drunk of vodka, high off power wanting to just 'play a bit longer'.

   Don't get me wrong it's not the club was located in a bad area. It was just a block and a half away from Namsam-guel (i made it up) a rich and prestigious district which made Sin a haven for sleazy rich men... and women who were looking for an escape from their home life. Here they could relax. Here a sinner could find his paradise.

   When Jimin and Hobi got out and locked the car, they were awaited by their favorite bouncer. Strong chiseled chin, thick eyebrows, and his thick mop of brown hair parted down the middle cascading down either side of his face. His was wearing the typical attire of the bouncers. All black suit with a black turtleneck underneath and a pink crystal and flower brooch that also doubled as a mic. (The Owner had a thing for pink 😉) His demeanor screamed "don't touch me bitch" that easily dissipated into a pile of goo as a certain smol bean jumped into his arms.

   "Mr. Wanggggg," the smol bean said in a singsong like tone. "Chiminie missed you so so much." He said as he brought his hands around his neck for support playfully bouncing up and down.

   "Chim please get down," Jackson subconsciously said with a slight moan as held the boy protectively by his back as he bounced awfully closed to his... uh well... yeah you know.

The bean pouted as he released himself from the hug. "Hey Jackson you know you should really consider carrying a bag for your wallet. It's always poking me when I try to hug you. What the hell do you have in there anyways? Rocks? It's always so damn hard!!"

Jackson's eyes widened as he looked up at Hobi who shook his head at his bestfriend for being so naive.

As they neared the back entrance into the club from the garage Hobi watched as Jackson's eyes were glued to Jimin's butt. He put his hand on the bouncers should and whispered in a sickly sweet voice, "Min Yoongi."

Jackson gulped hard, eyes immediately looking up as he was left frozen remembering his first encounter with the man.

*Karen, Cue the flashback!!!*

It was October 12th of last year and Jackson had been working as a bouncer for a little over 6 months, the employees of Sin were all gathered in their upstairs loft area to celebrate Jimin's birthday a day early.

  ~ "Happy birthday to youuuuuuu" ~ everyone sung some slightly more offkey (Hoseok) than others due to the drinks they'd been chugging back.

   "Thank you guys so much, you all are so sweet to me." Jimin giggled eyes turning into little half mooned crescents.

   Everyone one took turns handing gifts as Jimin basked delightfully in the heavy attention. He gasped turning red as he opened his presents.

   Heechul had gifted him a black and red heart laced babydoll with matching panties that had a heart shaped cutout exposing his whole butt. Hobi had bought him $3,000 dollars worth of fluffy oversized sweaters and a $1,500 matching bestfriend sun and moon pendent.

   Jin being the eomma that he is could be heard in the background yelling at Namjoon over the phone about how "if he doesn't bring his baby his gift in the next 10 mins he'd cut his dick off and grind it into stew"... something like that. A tired Namjoon was seen exactly 8 minutes later trudging up the steps carrying a pink sparkly box that was large enough to hide a child. Inside were a boatload of pastel colored clothing, more fluffy sweaters and slippers, and a very very large size black box wrapped intricately in black suede labeled 'for when your kitty gets angry'.

   Jackson's eyed the box curiously as he watched Jimin pull out its contents: a 8 inch pink, ribbed 5 speed vibrator. A cobalt colored glass but plug with a moon on the end, an array thigh and chest garters, fuzzy pink handcuffs. Some shit that he swore was a harness, a leash and last put most importantly in Jin's words. "A box of Trojan magnums and birth control because 'he's too handsome to be a grandparent.'"

  "Wait why would Jimin need all this just for a cat?" Jackson mentioned voice laced with a hint of curiosity and confusion.

   The whole room suddenly went quiet as they turned around and eyed him. Jimin's small hands immediately covering his rose-colored face.

  Heechul broke the silence with a loud chuckle. "Oh poor thing you don't know, Jimin loveeeeessss cats."

   Jackson scoffed at the mans stupid comment, "well yeah I mean of course he does that's all he talks about."

   Over the course of 6 months, Jimin and Jackson had bonded very well. Often spending their free time in the club having casual talks or playing pranks on the others. He enjoyed the time he'd spent with the younger after hours often falling into a trance by his alluring silky sweet voice and innocent aura. When he was with Jimin the heart sped up. He felt at ease. He loved the way Jimin's eyes disappeared as he told him stories about how his "cat was trying to kill him in bed or how his kitty won't stop touching him in his sleep." If there was one thing Jackson knew for sure was that Jimin loves his kitty and Jackson may or may not be in love with Jimin.

   Another stripper by the name of Mark chimed in stating how Jimin's kitty is very possessive and doesn't work well with other and that he should chill unless he wanted to get scratched.

  Jackson being the stubborn man that he was simply chuckled unamused as he handed Jimin his gifts. The first was a small diamond and sapphire link bracelet. He had also bought him the matching pendant as well.

  Everyone eyed clearly love stricken the man with looks of pity as it was obvious he was completely oblivious to Jimin's life outside the club.

   Filled with glee the younger sprung from his throne (Yes Jin had a throne imported in from Italy just for his baby's birthday) enveloping the man in a hug. He was completely in awe of how someone he barely even knew would go out of their way to buy him such a beautiful, expensive gift. Just as Jimin got up on his tiptoes to leave a peck on Jackson's cheek a cough was heard from the far end of the room.


~ Oh kitten, you're here! ~

———————/end of flashback/————

Hey everyone I'm so glad that you all like my story 💜💚💕 and there's been so much positive feedback and you all are sooo freaking amazing and supportive. I love you beautiful beings so much 🥰😘

~~Anywho excuse me if my chapters today seem a little 'off' I was watching BTS mama performance and Im currently
running off of one lung 😂😂😂
*lebbeca, play 'Save Me by BTS' *

Also to my jikook stans out there, are we being fed or what!? Im happy to see our Jungkookie being loud for our Jiminie. (ABOUT DAMN TIME)

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