{8} Be my [fake] boyfriend?

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*Jack G's POV* 

"You what?!" Sam yelled with wide eyes. 

"Shh." I covered his mouth with my hand. He tried saying something but it came out muffled and unclear. I uncovered my hand.

"Why would you do that?!" he whisper-yelled.

"I panicked! It wasn't the right time to tell him. Not with his girlfriend in our room." I say emphasizing the word 'girlfriend'.

"Jessica's in there?" he says annoyed. As you can tell neither of us like her. She's... Been around town, I guess you can say.

I simply nodded and Sam rolled his eyes.

I have an idea. "Sam, be my boyfriend?" 

His eyes widen. "Come again?" 

I roll my eyes. "I don't mean be my actual boyfriend, just... be my fake boyfriend" I smile innocently 

"Why?!" He yells

"To make it seem believable" I shrug. 

"You don't have to do that you know?" He states

"I know. I know. But I want to see his reaction to us 'dating'" 

He sighs and eventually gives in. "But you have to tell the guys about you being gay and about us fake dating" 

I groan and throw my head back, only to hit my head on the wall. I rub the back of my head in pain. I hear Sam holding back a laugh. I playfully glare at him. And then we both burst into laughter.

"Alright I'm gonna go get ready" he says

"Alright I'll see you later man" I wave as I enter our hotel room.

Jack immediately comes up to me and tackles me almost making me fall back. "What happened? Did you guys make out?" He smirks.

"Uh no... But we are together" I say waiting for his reaction.

Jack tackles me in a hug. "That's great bro!" 

"Uh yea.." I scratch the back of my neck.

"You alright bro?" he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Yea.. Just a little stressed out" I say nervously. Jack opens his mouth to speak but I stop him. "I'm gonna get ready for Magcon" 

"Uh alright. Hurry up" he says. Crap, he knows I'm lying.

*Skip Jack getting ready because lazy* 

"Ready." Jack simply nods and we head out the door. We walk downstairs to where Magcon is being held in silence. It's kind of awkward I guess you can say. Probably because he doesn't believe me. He's known me long enough to know when I'm lying, 

Before I know it, we're at Magcon. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go deaf by the time I leave from all the screaming fans. I love my fans but sometimes, they can be too loud.

We're gonna do the Meet & Greet part first. We're set up in pairs. Of course I'm with Jack.

Everything was going great, nothing was wrong. Until a certain fan came up to me. 

I don't want to be rude... But she was the definition of a slut. Her whole face was covered in make-up. I didn't even think she was wearing clothes. They were way too short. 

She walked up to be and engulfed me in a hug. "Jack I love you soo much" Oh god, her voice makes me want to scream. 

She rests her forehead against mine. "Hey are you busy later?" If I could run away now, I would. She needed a mint. That's all I'm gonna say

And my theory was also correct. She's a slut. 

"Um yea, I have.. things to do with.. Jack." I stutter.

"Just leave him. No one cares about him anyways" 

Okay this bitch crossed the line. I push her away from me, resulting in her falling to the ground. Everyone in the room gasps.


I. Hate. This. Chapter. It's so bad oh my god. I'm sorry. Writers block. But I wanted to give you guys something.

And let me also talk about something in this chapter.

Jack Edward Johnson.

You know, it really pisses me off how unappreciated he is. He deserves so much more. He's always constantly being called such awful shit: Ugly, is the number one thing he's called.

Jack is fucking hot. Okay? In my opinion, I think he's hotter than Gilinsky. 

But anyways, he deserves so much. He's amazing and he seems so sweet. I love this kid to death. Now if I could ever meet him, I would tell him how much he means to me. because of him, I'm still alive. Because of him, I haven't jumped off a building yet. Because of him, I haven't killed myself yet.

So having people talk so much shit about him honestly breaks my heart so much. You know, he acts like he doesn't care, but you never know, these comments could get to him sometimes and that absolutely pisses me off. Just lay off the guy alright?

And if you are one of the people saying these things to Jack, then just stop reading my story. Stop and don't ever talk to me. Because, you my friend, are not worth my time. 

Okay sorry for that rant, just had to get that out..

Alright well I hate this chapter. Have a nice day. love you guys bye :D

Tip of the day: "Just wait things out. Things won't be bad forever, I promise you"


P.S I cried while writing the thing about Jack

P.P.S (Hehe pp...) Sorry the authors note is longer than the actual chapter :(


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