{1} Abuse

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*Jack G's POV*

I don't understand why he does this. Why does he hate us? Why is this a normal day for us? Why can't we be a normal, happy family?

But no, my father has to be abusive. He has to hit us. He has kick us. He has to make fun of us. You're probably wondering "Why 'us'?"

Well my father abuses both me and my fragile mom. He's been abusing us for the past 2 years. He's also the cause of the suicide of my brother Henry. I hate talking aout the topic of Henry. He was my hero. He was always there for me. But last year is when he couldn't take the abuse anymore and he just... ended it. I was probably the most devastated. I was a complete wreck. And you know what the worse part of his death was? Well, other than his actual death... My dad acted like he was really upset. He cried during the funeral. He looked like a mess. But in reality, he didn't give a shit about Henry. He didn't care about his death whatsoever.

I was pissed at that. I wanted to punch him in the face and yell at him during the funeral, but I couldn't. People would become suspicious and the abuse would get much much worse. I couldn't risk it, especially for the safety of my mom. She's all I have left and I can't let her go through anymore pain.

My thoughts were cut off by a stinging in my left cheek. He punched me. "Get the fuck up faggot" he yells while forcefully grabbing my arm, probably leaving a hand mark.

"Go tell your fucking mother to make me dinner. I'm fucking starving" he slurs. Oh, of course he''s drunk, like always.

I nod timidly. I may seem strong to my fans but in reality, I'm a as fragile as a porcelain doll. Any sudden movement and I break in an instant.

I walk up to my mom's bedroom and knock quietly. That's how i let my mom know that it's me and that it's all clear. I hear the door unlock. I open the door as slowly as possible trying not to be too loud. "He said that he wants you to make him dinner" I whisper.

"Did he say what he wants?" she asks shakily. I shake my head no and she walks downstairs quietly. I feel extremely bad for her, she's so scarred. I feel a single tear roll down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away and tip toe downstairs to evesdrop on my father and my mom.

"Make me some fucking food bitch. I'm fucking starving. Jesus, you don't do anything in this house" he slurs.

I roll my eyes. My mom does everything in the house. He's just too dumb, drunk, and abusive to realize it.

"H-here's your food" my mom says shaking. I, again, let a tear run down my cheek.

"Took you long enough bitch" he slurs again and begins to devour the food. Not even finished with the food yet, he stumbles to the living room couch and just like that, he's asleep.

I take this chance to walk over to my mom. "You're okay right?" I ask worried that he might've hit her. She slowly nods. "C'mon let's go to bed" I say and carefully grab her hand. She's been traumitized by the abuse so every time someone touches her, she would flinch. But she knows I'll never hurt her, but I'm still always careful when I'm around her.

After quietly walking up the stairs, we finally make it to our bedroom. Yea me and my mom have to share because he always sleeps in their old bedroom and she's too scared to sleep next to him so she sleeps on my bed while I sleep on the floor. I don't mind though. She deserves the bed.

I turn off the lamp and cover my body with the comfortable blanket I have. "Goodnight mom"

"Goodnight sweetie" she says yawning.




Okay first chapter! I don't know how I feel about it to be honest. Sorry if it's really bad or if something doesn't make sense xc

I'm bored sweg

lmao it's kind of an inside joke between me and Selena. She's my best friend bruh, I'm not talking about myself lmao. Yea we have the same name, swag O.o

Okay well, that's it, love you guys bye :D


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