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Hey guys, sorry I haven't update in forever but I have just been having terrible writers block. but yea... I'm sorry. I'll update as soon as possible.

YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE! YOU WERE LIKE "fucking bitch, I wanted a chapter not a stupid authors note" WELL YOU GET A CHAPTER! Sorry for tricking you guys. Just wanted to have some fun hehe

Here's chapter 10. :D (Btw I still have terrible writers block so I apologze in advance if this chapter is super bad)

*Jack G's POV*

It was the next day. We were hanging out in Nash and Cam's room. All of us, so it was pretty cramped. The good thing is that I was sitting next to Jack, Jessica wasn't here, and our thighs were about an inch apart. Jack didn't seem to notice or mind. I don't know if it's because we're really close or maybe he just sees it as a brotherly manner. I mean this isn't the closest we've been. I've seen him naked before. Long story... Don't ask

We were watching a movie. Catching Fire. Me, Jack, Taylor and Aaron haven't seen it. Yea I know, we're really late. But since we haven't seen it, the other guys and Mahogany let us watch it..

As an instinct, my hand randomly went to Jack's thigh. Again, he didn't seem to mind.

I don't know where the sudden confidence came from but I kind of liked it. I mean normally, I wouldn't dare do that.

I didn't even realize that my hand started moving up and down. He didn't notice again. What the fuck?

What does a guy have to do to get his crush to notice him?

I start moving my hand higher and higher, keeping my eyes on the screen. As my hand was getting closer to his area, Jack seemed to be getting flustered. He accidentally let out a moan. It was a soft moan, but everyone seemed to notice.

I quickly remove my hand from his thigh and look over at Jack. His hand is covering his mouth and he's blushing furiously.

Everyone stares at Jack. "What was that?" Taylor asks. I try my best to hold back a laugh. I caused that moan and I sure as hell was proud of it

"Nothing" Jack mutters, still blushing.

"Nothing? Because , correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that was a moan" Matt smirks

"I think you're right Matt, that was a moan" Carter replies smirking.

"Just forget about it" Jack snaps. He's hot when he's mad

"We will" Nash pauses. "Once you tell us what caused that moan"

I was praying that he wouldn't say that I caused that. I am proud that I caused it but I don't want them to constantly tease me about it. They tease me enough about my crush on Jack

"I was kinda bored with the movie and started watching porn" he replies, turning into a deeper shade of red.

Everyone chuckles and goes back to watching the movie.

I can hear Jack sighing. I look over at him and he's giving me the 'Thanks for embarrassing me' face. I laugh and go back to watching the movie, and mentally congratulate myself for successfully seducing Jack

*Movie finishes and Jack & Jack go back to their room*

I open the door to our hotel room and I walk in. Jack suddenly smacks me on the back of the head.

"Ow dude, what was that for?!"

"For embarrassing me! Why was your hand on my thigh anyways?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

Fuck. I wasn't prepared for him to ask that question. "Just wanted to have some fun." I lie.

"Well it wasn't funny! I was so embarrassed" I can see him blushing a little bit. Obviously from embarrassment

"Sorry bro" I chuckle.

"It's fine, just don't do it again, please?" he begs.

I sigh. "Yea" I simply say.

"Thank you." He pauses and gets a towel and clothes from his suitcase. "I'm gonna take a shower"

"Want me to join you?" I smirk.

"Why don't you go ask your boyfriend that?" He replies.


Hey guys! I missed you! Ugh writers block is awful. I actually kinda liked the way this chapter turned out to be honest. lmao so many jokes.

I'm hungry but I'm also not hungry. Ya feel me? Good.

I imagined how Jack's moan would've sounded and I got turned on O.o

Nah I'm kidding, But it would've sounded hot. C'mon you gotta agree with me.

Oh! Did you guys see that video where Jack tries to hug this girl and she's like "No it's okay I don't wanna hug you"

I got so fucking mad, I wanted to punch her omg. You have the fucking opportunity to meet both of them but you only hug one of them. Pretty fucked up and dumb tbh.

I hate how unappreciated he is. But he tweeted today that he has never felt unappreciated and to be honest I find that hard to believe but whatever

I love that kid so much. I wish I could meet him one day :(

Okay well I'm making myself sad. love you guys, bye :D



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