{6} I'm not good at Titles.

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*Listen to the song on the side to make it a bit more dramatic*

*Jack G's POV*

I plop down on my bed, for the second time today. I close my eyes. And then I hear the door lock and I see a worried Jack walk over to me. Shit. I thought he forgot about the bruises. I feel the bed sink. I open my eyes to see Jack sitting at the edge of the bed. 'I wish he would sit closer'

Jack takes a deep breath and starts talking. "Okay, I'm just gonna get to the point. Jack, are you okay?"

'Are you okay' I've heard this phrase plenty of times in my life. Especially from teachers at school who would sometimes notice the huge amount of bruises on my body and face. I would always use the same excuses, 'Yes I'm fine.' 'I'm okay.' 'It's nothing.' And I would use my award winning fake smile, which everyone seems to fall for. So, they just let it go, and they never ask about it again. I don't know if it's because I'm just good a lying or maybe nobody really cares.

"Jack? Jack? Jack!"

"Huh, what?"

"You've been staring at me for the past 5 minutes with this weird expression on your face. Bro, are you okay?" Jack says. I wonder if he actually cares.

"Jack do you actually care about me?" I say.

"Okay just ignore my question. But to answer your question. Yes, I do care. A lot. In fact, everyone cares about you. Why are you asking me this?" He says, a confused expression on his face.

I shake my head. "It's nothing. But to answer your question." I pause and laugh because I'm mimicking him. "Yea I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" He raises an eyebrow at me. Shit, does he not believe me?

"Yea man, why would I be lying?" I say, starting to panic.

"I don't know. Why would you?" He raises an eyebrow again. I'm fucked. "Nah. I'm just messing with you" He laughs.

I inwardly sigh and thank the gods.

Jack pulls me in for a bro hug. Emphasis on the 'bro' part. Because that's all I'll ever be to him. Like a brother.

"I'm glad you're okay" he smiles. I smile back and look down, trying to hide the blush creeping up on my face.

"Is Jack Gilinsky blushing?" he says in a baby voice. (It would be so hot if Johnson actually did this.)

"I was thinking about when I fell down the stairs because I was staring at a girls ass" I lie and fake laugh.

"Dude I remember that!" He laughs, clutching his stomach.

"Shut up. It was so embarrassing!" I say but laugh anyways. This only make Jack laugh harder. Gosh, his laugh is so cute (His laugh is fucking hot)

"Thank you Gilinsky" he smirks.

"What?" I question.

"You said my laugh is cute" he chuckles. Shit, I must've been thinking out loud. Oh gosh, that was so embarrassing. I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck.

"Yea... I'm gonna go to bed." I say awkwardly. I pull the blanket over my head. I hear Jack chuckle. "Night man"


I wake up with tears running down my cheeks and my whole body covered in sweat. I had a nightmare. Well, more like a flashback but in my dreams. Make sense? Okay good.

It was the day I found Henry, hanging in his room. His wrists covered in blood. A pile of letters on his bed and a chair that he must've used to hang himself. I remember screaming at the sight. Tears were non-stop running down my cheeks. I remember screaming for my mom. She had the same reaction, except she fell to the ground and she was choking on her sobs.

I didn't realize that I was still crying. I quickly but quietly ran to the bathroom. But before I ran to the bathroom, I walked to my luggage and grabbed my blade.


I held the blade above my thigh. I was hesitant to do it at first. I mean I was 1 week clean for fuck's sake. I didn't want to break my own promise of not cutting anymore. But before I realized it, I had already dragged the blade across my thigh. A crimson red liquid dripping from the wound. And before I knew it, I've made 6 brand new deep cuts on my thighs. Each dripping with blood.

The floor is covered in the red liquid emerging from my cuts. I grab a towel from under the sink cabinet and wrap it around my thighs, trying to stop the blood from spilling out. I hiss in pain when the towel comes in contact with my cuts.

All of a sudden, I hear a knock on the bathroom door. Fuck. It's Jack. I must've woken him up.

"Jack? You in there?"

I try my best to clean up the blood from the floor. I unwrap the towel from my thighs. The bleeding stopped. Thank god. I grab my blade and place it in my pocket.

I open the bathroom door to see a very tired Jack standing there, eyes half open, his hair is all messed up and he can barely stand up. I have to admit, he looked pretty hot.

"Why are you up at 3:30 AM?" he asks groggily.

"I had to go to the bathroom" I lie.

"Oh, alright. Just wanted to make sure" he says and clumsily walks back to his bed.

"Night" he says.

"Night" I whisper back.


WHOA! Like it? Hate it?

I'm sorry if you didn't like it :(

But anyways, this was kinda hard to write cause I can't imagine Gilinsky doing something like this. Alright but anyways, I have nothing to say....

I'm kinda tired so I'm gonna go, have a nice day, love you guys :D

Tip of the Day: "Be yourself, be you, and do not change for society or people"

My sister had told me a few times to never change who I am yet the other day, she tells me that if I wanna be popular in 8th grade, I have to change who I am -___- Does that make any sense whatsoever? Whatever.,.. I'm not changing who I am :D


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