{19} You asked for it..

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*Jack G's POV*

Jack keeps knocking on the door to my room. I'm not letting him in though. What he said hurt me.

I sound like a girl right now, oh god.

"Let me in Gilinsky! Before I kick this fucking door down!" He yells, his voice echoing through my house.

"No! You should probably leave me alone, I'm just the gay freak!" I said as a threw a shoe at the door with all my strength.

"Jack! I didn't mean to say that!"

"Then what the fuck did you mean to say?" I argue back. I don't know if I ever can forgive him for something so cruel. I never expected Jack, sweet, innocent little Jack Johnson to say that to me. I mean what did I ever do to him? (You've hit him asshole -.- okay I'm sorry)

My train of thoughts are cut off by a loud bang noise. I move my head towards the front of my room and see that Jack somehow managed to kick my door down and break the wooden chair I placed in front of it.

My eyes widen. "I'm stronger than I look" he says.

"Clearly" I say and roll my eyes. I start walking towards the door to my bedroom but he blocks me.

"Move." I say bitterly. He shakes his head. "Move you fucking bastard" He shakes his head again and this time I push him away lightly. only causing him to stumble but not fall. My path is clear now. I walk out my bedroom door and walk downstairs. I hear footsteps behind me. Of course he would fucking follow me.

"Stop fucking stalking me!" I yell turning to face him. (lmao I laughed at this)

I turn back around and walk out of my house, hoping that he would stop following me. But of course, him being the stubborn person he is, he decides to follow me.

I stomp towards my car and get in, trying to quickly lock it before Jack gets in. But I'm too late, He's already inside.

"We're gonna fucking talk about this right here right now" he says sternly. I don't listen to him though. I go to open my car door but Jack grabs my wrist.

"I'm not letting you leave" He says as he crosses his arms over his chest.

I sigh. "Alright whatever." I mutter. Jack smiles, then he turns serious again.

"Look, I didn't mean what I said back there. I just wasn't thinking straight. I just.. I'm too scared to come out to my parents and you said it like it's the easiest thing in the world to do. So, I got mad." He says. It looks like he's telling the truth. Let's hope that he is.

"I'm sorry okay? I don't think-" I decided to forgive him and then I stopped listening to him after that. I kept looking down at his lips. The way they move while he speaks. How they're so soft, and plump.

He's still talking so I decide to cut him off and I place my lips to his. He kisses back after a few seconds.

Our lips are moving in sync. I slip my tongue in his mouth and he groans at the pleasure.

The way his hands are gently holding the back of my neck is getting me pretty turned on.

I pull my lips away from his lips and starts kissing his neck, all the way up to his jaw

"S-so you're not mad a-anymore?" he stutters.

"No, you're too hot to stay mad at" I reply, still kissing his neck.

"Oh God" He moans. I must've found his sweet spot. I smirk against his neck and begin to suck and nip on the spot. I'm paying extra attention to this one spot, as you can see.

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