chapter 8

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I walked down stairs. it was 12 and after moving into charlie's flat in Romania last night I ended up crashing around 3. charlie was already at work so I'd just have to be on my own.

I looked through the cupboards and notice he had hardly any food so I'd have to get some later, for now I just settled for toast. my owl athena flew through the windows with today's addition of the daily proffet. I really don't know why I get that news paper. I decided to read it later.

I got back from the shops about 5ish and unpacked the food. I started to make something for us to eat before sitting down to read the daily proffet.

I saw the front cover and my mouth dropped wide. no way could this be happening. he couldn't compete. he was too young, they had to be 17 but he was 14. harry potter was a tri wizard champion.

when charlie got home I was sitting staring blankly at the wall. dinner was nearly ready not that I'd paid to much attention to it. charlie looked at we with concern.

"babe, what's wrong?" he asked.

"check the daily proffet." i told him and he did so. his eyes widened with horror.

"oh bloody hell. oh no. the dragons are their first task" he said in shock.

"i know. he's so much younger. he hasn't learnt nearly as much. how can dumbledore let this happen" i yelled.

charlie held me as I sobbed. we didn't talk at that moment. he dint need to ask why I was so upset. he just needed to support me. he knew I why I was crying and he just held me.

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