Chapter 48

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*Juliet's pov*

All I heard was sirens.

Was I dead?

I opened one eye before the other, lifted myself up, and looked at my hands.

There was blood on them.

I made sense of the scene playing; police officers lowering their guns, cop cars with their lights on but no siren, my friends were behind all that.

Lesley was crying, Michelle was holding her.

Hayes was staring at me with hope and despair.

The rest of the guys looked like they were in shock, some of their eyes went big, and their jaws dropped.

I looked at what everyone was staring at.

A pool of blood that reached me, it stained my clothes and my skin.

I followed my eyes to what was making the pool of blood larger and larger.

There was a body that laid down on the pool of blood.

It was my dad, with a hole in his heart.

Everyone seemed to noticed that I noticed, because after I found out everyone stared at me.

"What just happened?" I said.

I wiped the blood off my hands and on to my shirt, which didn't make a difference.

"Your dad was about to shoot you, we all raised our guns at him and shot him." A woman police officer said.

The memories came back instantly.

Tears brimmed at the end of my eyes, and my hands began to shake uncontrollably.

I think I was wailing, letting all my anger wash away, because people were pushing me back.

Further and further away from the parent that really cared.

That's what fucked me up the most, he was the one that cared. My mother lied to me my whole life, and she made it worse by taking me away from him.

I looked back at who was holding me. It was Nash and Cam.

One of them let go and the other grabbed me and hugged me.

"You're okay." They whispered as the person held me.

I was speechless, and I looked up.

Cam was holding me.

"Thanks." I barley whispered.

"It's okay if you need time. We'll be here." Cam said as he let go.

Nash came up to me.

"I don't think I want to hug you." Nash laughed. I didn't laugh back.

"I should probably change." I said as turned around and went to the woman cop.

"Could you drive me home?" I asked.

"Of course." She smiled as she led me to her cop car.

I told her my address and I got into the back seat. We drove there in silence.

She dropped me off and I went up to my apartment.

I got a spare key from the manager, went up to my room, and I stood at the doorway.

I haven't been home in a while.

I shut the door behind me and walked in my room, I grabbed some normal clothes, and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

It was hard, but I got the blood off my skin. (a/n: sorry for being so morbid/disturbing? You get the idea...)

After the shower I put on black sweatpants and a white jacket.

I put my hair in a messy bun and walked back into my room to grab my phone.

So many missed calls and texts.

Most of them were to see if I was okay, or it I had my phone with me.

Obviously I haven't got my phone with me.

I went out and walked into the kitchen.

I got a granola bar and bit into it.

"Glad you're alive?" Someone said behind me.

I jumped, and turned around.

It was Matt.

He went over and hugged me.

"I'm so glad you're here." He said.

My head was still spinning from this morning, I couldn't speak.

"Look, I understand that you have been through a lot this week. But please talk to me." He begged as he still hugged me.

"You're the only real family I have left." I said as I hugged him harder.

I think he was crying because he was breathing weirdly.

"Uh..about your mom-"

"I don't want to talk about her." I said.

"You could live with me if you want to." He said.

"Would you let me do that?" I smiled.

"Of course." He rubbed my back.

I was much shorter than him, so he rested his chin on my head.

"Stay at my place for the night." Matt said.

"I have to face my mom someday." I said.

"That day is not today, because you've been through so much already. Just get some rest, okay?" He patted my back. I nodded and he put his hands on my shoulders.

"I love you, like a sister Julie." He said.

"I love you too, Matt." I smiled as we walked in his apartment.


A/N: this was the update you guys have been waiting for! I can't believe how many of you guys wanted me to update. It's crazy. I love you guys and thank you so so so much!

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