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We have a seating chart. What are we in? Kindergarten? I trudge to the back corner and sit down. I get some highlighters and my planner out. Looks like my table mate is a no show. Mrs. Baker is nice enough, she compliments my highlighters when she comes around with my syllabus. 

Halfway through the class period like some kind of movie, the door swings open revealing a boy in black, from his messy black hair to his black boots. Liam Davis

He sulks in and eyes the room for an open seat. The one next to mine is the only empty one so that solves that mystery. He raises an eyebrow and stomps over, he openly checks me out. 

"You're Walker's sister right?" He asks. I reply with a nod. People begin to watch the exchange, some even gasp when he acts like he doesn't know who I am. 

"Move." He demands. I raise my eyebrows, suddenly he's not attractive anymore. The room stills for my response. I hate being the center of attention. In the halls, at least the other girls or the boys are with me to share it, but now with everyone looking at me expectantly I don't like it. That doesn't mean I'll tolerate his behavior though. I scowl and ignore him.

"I said move. I know you heard me." 

"I'm sorry, I can't hear people that don't have manners." Everyone muffles their laughs. I will not let him talk to me like that. I know all about him. He fights and drinks and sells drugs to freshman, my brother hates him as well and that's good enough for me. 

"Besides, the seating chart says you sit there." I point to the seat next to me and give him a look. His eyes widen in surprise. He's probably not used to being told no. He sits beside me and snatches the syllabus Mrs. Baker offers him. What a grump. 

I can't believe I have to sit next to him. He is so rude. I feel his gaze on me and my face heats up. If he gives me an attack I will lose it. Just as I'm about to tell him off for staring at me the bell rings. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and rush out grabbing an textbook from the pile on my way practically dragging Mia behind me. 

I peel off to put my newly acquired textbook into my locker. I look around to make sure no one is watching and put my smelling salts and pills in there too. I always keep the Epipen in case of emergency. 

I shut my locker and dash to Chemistry. When I get there the only open seat is next to a blonde boy in business attire a white button up and an unbuttoned blazer. I tentatively slide into the seat next to him.

"Hi, I'm Evie." I introduce myself to be polite. He looks up from his phone and gives me a  once-over then smiles.

"Oh yeah, I know you. I'm Asher Klein." We shake hands and dive into a friendly conversation. I learn that he is ridiculously rich. He's literally a 16 year old investment shark, that business attire is apparently the norm for him. I don't know how to feel about that, but I decide I like him better than Liam. 

The rest of my day passes fairly the same. I get syllabuses in every class and sit next to Lauren, Camille, and Boston. The only bad part is that I have fourth period Gov with Liam again. Fortunately he sits next to his friend, a goofy boy with curly hair named Sam. Mia walks with me to my locker after school.

"Do you think Brandon likes me?" Mia asks for the hundredth time.

"I know he likes you, Mia," I reply. She beams. I grab my pills from my locker and down them. She notices and quickly sobers.

"How are you?" She asks concerned. " I can't believe I didn't ask earlier!"

"I'm fine Mia." I say tiredly. I'm sick of being asked that. I shut my locker and turn to walk away with Mia. 

We head out to the lacrosse field and set our backpacks down on the first row of bleachers. I pull my lunch out and eat the toasted cheerios I packed for a snack. Mia sneaks a few while we work on our Calculus homework together. The boys run out onto the field and start their passing drills. I giggle a bit watching Ollie try and get used to his new long pole. The two-hour practice goes by quickly and soon its time to go. 

"How are you feeling?" Brandon approaches the topic carefully once we are in the car headed home. I sigh. 

"Tired Brandon, I always feel tired, my answer will never change because I'll never change." I can't even describe my irritation. " Despite mom's wishes, I'm still going to school. Despite your wishes, I'm trying to live a normally paced life. I feel like shit Brandon, I want to be normal and I don't want to worry about keeping my feelings in check. You don't have to worry about me so much, that's not your job. Just leave me alone!"

We pull into the driveway at some point during my rant, so when I'm done I get out of the jeep and slam the door before dashing into the house. 

"How was your day, sweetie?" My mom asks. I ignore her and run to my room. I take my makeup off and put my textbooks on my bookshelf.

I hear Brandon come up the stairs and slam his door shut. I immediately regret yelling at him. He didn't ask for this as much as I didn't and he doesn't deserve to be yelled at just because I'm tired and cranky all the time. 

I change into some pajama shorts and an old t-shirt and decide to go apologize to him. I creep down the hallway and knock on his door. He opens it for me. I walk in and face him, he looks at me expectantly. 

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I was upset because everyone keeps asking if I'm okay, and I'm not. I just wish we could both be normal is all. Can you forgive me?" I cry. Brandon looks at me for a few seconds before breaking.

"Of course I forgive you. I know it's hard for you to go through the day when you can barely keep your eyes open, but just remember that your my baby sister. I have to watch out for you, especially since dad's gone. It scares me to think of what could happen when I'm not around. I want to be here for you while I still can and I'm always gonna want to make sure you're alright."

He pulls me in for a hug. We stand there for a minute and he lets me shed my tears. Mom calls us down for dinner and we race down the stairs to the table.

He lets me win.

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