Thirty Two

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I wake up late and it pisses me off. It's like 12 already.

Sam is already in the shower which also pisses me off. I roll over and check my phone, I never gave Evie my number so I text her to get some info about what's going on today. I have no doubt she's been up since like eight, girls

I stretch and slip out of bed while I wait for her response. I scream at Sam to hurry up and he tells me to fuck myself. Nice. Having grown up with four older brother, Sam swears like a fucking sailor. Even worse than me. I shuffle to my closet and look for a nice shirt. 

Black. Black will go with whatever she wears. I swipe up the dress shirt and throw it on my bed. My phone pings with the details from Evie. 

E: We're meeting at Lucid Park and walking the trail taking pictures. Lauren's brother is taking them. Be there at like 5ish. I'll see you then. We already made reservations at the HG Bistro for 7 so we'll go there from pictures then to the Ball.

L: I can't wait, Princess.

I'm nervous. Brandon and I leveled and we're good, but this is the rest of her friends. At least Sam and Ash will be there with me. I make a mental list of all the things I still need to do. I need to get her corsage, get ready of course, and  bring our tickets. Nothing right?

I hear Sam get out and I run to shower quick. My hair is wet still when I put my shirt and pants on. I walk downstairs to make a bowl of cereal and Sam is on the phone with who I assume is Oliver. 

He freezes with a piece of toast in his mouth and we look at each other. We are wearing the same exact thing. 

"I got to go, Ollie." He laughs and hangs up, "Come on man, really?"

"Hey we just have to change it a bit each okay?" I reason. We're so similar, I'm not surprised that we picked the same outfit.

"Deal." We eat breakfast together and push each other around, we're both nervous about meeting this other friend group. Everyone is just so different from each other, I'm trying so hard to not get an us vs them mentality. Sam has it harder than me though, he's coming out to virtual strangers and meeting Ollie's friends.

At 3, Sam runs back to his room and puts a blue blazer on over his shirt. Then he grabs our bags for tonight and runs out to go with Ollie to get their boutonnieres, he'll meet me there. My stomach is twisted into fucking knots, I really want this to go well. For Evie. I put my shoes on and add a black bow tie and suspenders to my outfit.  

It's 3:30 when I walk out the door and ride off to get Evie's corsage. 


"Ugh, up." Sean throws a pillow from the doorway and threatens me with a glare once I open my eyes. 

"I think your brother wants us to get up, babe." I move to shake Lauren. She's not there. What?

"No, he wants you to get up." She comes strutting into her room, her hair already flawlessly done.  When?


"Up, Boston," She chastises. 

"No." I groan and roll back over.

"Come help me into my dress." I perk up and leave the warm covers. 

"You're my favorite kind of crazy." I praise her, she's standing naked in front of me holding out her black dress for me to help her with. 

I hold it for her to step in and she teases me purposely taking forever to get it up her legs. The fabric sparkles subtly and looks amazing on her. God I love this girl. She spins so I can zip her up, I kiss her cheek playfully and she pushes me away. 

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