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Now that we are on the third day of school, real classwork had begun. Mrs. Baker is droning on about lit devices. I got a total of 4 hours of nightmare filled sleep last night. I'm so tired.

I rest my head in my hand and attempt to follow the notes on the board. Liam is leaning back in his chair beside me looking out the window and tapping his eraser on the table. My eyelids are so heavy.

I yawn and note lands on my side of the table. Liam looks at it then at me before returning his gaze to the window.

How long did you sleep last night girl? I think you're drooling. -M

I sit up quickly and glare at Mia. I was not drooling. She smiles and points at the note. I hold up four fingers to signify four hours. She shakes her head and points at the note again. I turn it over.

Liam was 110% checking you out! What do you think his lips feel like?

I squeak and crumple the note before he can see. A blush creeps up my neck and Mia is practically falling out of her seat laughing at me. I don't even want to think about it.

" Is something funny girls?" Mrs. Baker asks.

"Sorry Ma'am I almost fell out of my chair is all." Mia gives her a smile. Mrs. Baker smiles back and nods before turning back to the board. Mia could talk her way out of hell.

Ten more minutes pass and my eyelids are drooping again. So tired... if I could just rest my eyes for a second...

"Miss Walker can you tell me, what is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?" My hand slips and I bang my head on the table with a yelp.

"Sorry! Um... a simile uses like or as to compare while a metaphor refers to one thing by comparing another." She nods at my answer .

"Please try to stay awake in my class Miss Walker, I know it can be difficult but try your best." She turns back to the board and confused looks are thrown my way. All my teachers know about my condition, but I didn't expect her to mention it in class! I sink lower in my seat.

"You're bleeding." Liam says. What? I bring a hand to my eyebrow. My cut split open.

"Shit!" I wince. Surprise glints in his eyes.

"Did you just swear?"


"I didn't know the princess had a naughty mouth." My face warms under his attention and I think back to Mia's note. What do you think his lips feel like? I shoot my hand into the air.

"Can I go to the nurse's office?" I ask.

"Yes you may. Mr. Davis will you please take Miss Walker to see the nurse?"

Surprisingly he nods and gets up. We exit the classroom and walk side by side to the nurse's office in silence. When we get to the brightly lit room, the middle aged woman pops her head out.

"Hi Lucy-" Liam and I say at the same time. We give each other a look. I've known Lucy for a while, she's one of few people who know about my condition granted she's the school nurse.

"Ahh! My two best customers! What can I do for you kids? Did you forget your pills, Evie?"She greets. I throw her a shut up look.

"I cut my forehead." I say motioning to my eyebrow. I can feel Liam's eyes burning holes into the back of my head like I'm some kind of puzzle to be solved. The bell rings the end of first period, and I hope I won't be too late to chemistry.

"I see, have a seat on the cot and I'm sure Liam here can help you get a band-aid on it right darling?" She asks with mischief in her eyes. I glare at her and sit. I know what she's doing.

"Fuck no, you're the nurse."Liam crosses his arms over his black shirt.

"Get this young lady a band-aid right this minute." Now I'm the one with a puzzled expression. I look at Liam. His cheeks are pink in embarrassment, and his eyes a bit solemn.

He glares at me before stomping over and snatching the band-aid and some stuff to clean the cut with from Lucy. She grins smugly before rolling back into her office.

"Not a word Walker or I will end you." He threatens.

"About what?" I ask innocently. His mouth twitches like he's going to smile but he quickly morphs back into his usual brooding stare.

He brings a chair over and sits in between my legs, we are less than an arms length away. I blush for a minute before masking myself. He brings a cotton swab soaked in some kind of antiseptic to my cut and I pull back.

"Ow! That stings!" I cry.

"Stop whining." I notice that he does press a little lighter as he continues though.

"Where did you get this cut in the first place?" He asks. I freeze and panic. It's not like I can tell him the truth. I'll tell him the partial truth.

"I fell down the stairs. I'm really clumsy I guess." I giggle. I giggle. I can tell he doesn't believe me, but he let's it drop. He is focused on cleaning my cut, and my eyes wander over him. He is quite attractive, it's too bad he's rude and he fights and he drinks.

"You done checking me out, princess?" I blush for the hundredth time today.

"I wasn't checking you out." I retort halfheartedly. He reaches up and puts the band-aid over my cut.

"Sure you weren't." He raises an eyebrow. He stands winking at me and exiting the room.

When he's gone I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and I laid down on the cot looking at the ceiling. Is it just me or was he kind of nice for a bit there? What would his lips feel like?

"He's a cutie isn't he. Just be careful with him sweetheart." Lucy says emerging to clean up the mess we left.

"Ugh!" I sigh before sitting up and grabbing my backpack, Lucy's chuckles follow me out the door.

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