Twenty One

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The final bell rings signaling everyone to go home. 

Everyone except Liam and I. Liam who I will be alone in a room unsupervised for two hours. 

I take a deep breath and my pm pills before closing my locker and heading to the detention room. This day has drug on and on and I can't believe it's been my first day back since the attack.  Was it really just this morning that Brandon asked Mia to the Snow Ball?

All my thinking brought my feet all the way to the detention room. I shake myself off and turn the handle.

Liam stands in the far corner of the room pacing and looking at the wall. His jacket lies haphazardly over a chair. Dangerous thoughts flood my head. 

He hears me come in and stops pacing. I see him take a deep breath and I stand very still. The air is charged with tension. Liam turns and walks towards me. He holds my face in his hands and I think he might kiss me but instead he turns my head and runs his fingers over the little scar I got from slamming into the lockers when I had the attack.

"I'm so sorry." He says softly brushing my hair behind my ear. "I'm so fucking sorry."

I am so shocked I just stand there gaping like a fish. His touch is so gentle, his eyes filled with concern. 

This is not the Liam who sits next to me in English. 

"Don't be. I would do it again."  I confess to him after a while. His eyes flash. Liam let's go of me and begins to pace again.

"I was so fucking worried. I thought I killed you. Like actually fucking stopped you heart. Mia wouldn't tell me shit except that you were never coming back, and then you did, and you're here. I don't know you. You don't know me, but Jesus fucking Christ I want you to."

"I want you to know me," I agree.

"Go to the Snow Ball with me." He says suddenly. My mind tell's me this is a trick, but another larger part of me believes he's sincere. 

"Okay." I agree once more.

We stand there observing each other in a new light at the same time. Silently watching to see if there are any lies. I find none.

"You don't have to tell me now but I'd like to know what exactly happened that day," he eventually says referring to attack day.

"Okay. Thank you for not pushing me." 



"If I kiss you will you faint again, Princess?" He asks.

"Maybe no," I say dazedly, the nickname never sounded more delicious. As soon as he asks my body is wide awake and ready to be held by him again. 

"Are you willing to take those chances?" He takes a step closer to me.

"Yes," I breath out.

Then I fall, but not for real this time. 

He closes the gap and kisses me softly as if gauging whether or not I was going to have another attack. When I don't he does the attacking for me.

His hands are on me, in my hair, on my face, on my waist. I'm against the wall, and against him. His kiss was even better when we both knew it was going to happen. 

I didn't know it got any better until his mouth moved off mine and up to...

He softly bites my ear again. 

Someone moans, it must have been me because he grins against my neck and kisses me there too. He sucks and holds onto me when my knees give out, this time in a good way I think. 

My neck.

I give a little squeak and push him off me. His eyes are hooded and he looks at me with such desire I almost regret pushing him away. 

"That'll leave a mark," he grins rubbing a finger on my neck. I shoot him a look. 

"Let's get out of here." I say. His eyes go wide with shock. 

"As in you can take me home and maybe... maybe come in, no funny business." I specify. 

"Elusive, indeed." He teases. "Let's go then, Princess."

He grabs his jacket, and then me and we leave the detention room. Now that I think of it, he wanted this to happen as much as me. I distinctly remember it being his idea to both get detention today.

I decide I don't care. Whatever we have is not something I want to bend or break at the moment.

He pulls me over to his motorcycle and takes the helmet out. Once again he brushes my hair behind my ear and then puts the helmet on me. Liam swings his leg over the bike and I do the same.

This time I don't hesitate to wrap my arms around him. I may or may not take advantage of the situation to feel his abs a little. I mean it was kinda hard not to. They're just there.

We race away from the school and towards my house. I think back to the first time I rode his bike and of how much has changed between us since then. 

When we pull up, I swing off the bike and take the helmet off. 

"Remind me to get another helmet." He says.

"Why?" I say thinking that he doesn't really need another one when the one he has fits him just fine. Then it dawns on me.

"I plan on having you on my bike more often, Princess." I duck my head shyly. "So can I come in? Or should we save it for another day?"

I was about to say yes, since I couldn't wait to get my hands on him again. I wrap my arms around his neck and and pull him down for a kiss. His hands find my waist and hug me to him. 

Just then Brandon pulls up in his jeep, and Boston jumps out first. 

"Shit," Liam sighs and looks at me longingly.

"Yeah, we'd better not." I confirm. 

His arms are still on my waist when Brandon gets out too.

"What is this?" Boston asks suspiciously. We untangle.

"Liam brought me home from school," I say leaving out the details. 

"No shit" Brandon says. They approach and Liam moves to put his jacket on me, I don't understand why until I remember the way his lips felt on my neck. I turn red and pull his collar up a little more to hide the little love bites from the boys.

"I don't want trouble guys, I'm just dropping her." Liam explains following my lead. 

"Go then." Brandon snaps. I shake my head, I'm going to need to break Liam and I to him slowly.

I want to kiss Liam goodbye, but Boston and Brandon are standing there waiting for me. I opt for a hug instead. 

His arms encircle me warmly  and I savor it. 

"Drive safe," I say. Then I wrap up more in his jacket at head into the house. 

Once inside I head up to my room, but they follow me.

"What?" I ask exasperated. Boston gives me an I'm sorry this is his idea look.

"What the fuck was that?" Brandon asks. "Don't lie." 

I didn't really know what it was myself, but so much for breaking it to them slowly.

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