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"Liam," I nod my head at him in acknowledgement but stroll and sit on the other side of the room from him, determined to ignore him. A puzzled look crosses his face. 

The lack of teacher is disturbing, I don't like the idea of being stuck after school in a room with Liam for two hours. I glance at him and see that he is still looking at me in bewilderment.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, although shouldn't you thank me for defending you earlier?" Someone's in a playful mood. He walks over to me and plops himself in the chair in front of me, swinging his legs over so that he's sitting backward.

"Did I ask you to bully people in my name?" I gasp.

"Is that what you think I was doing?" His face changes, "Is your head really that far up your pampered ass?"

"How dare you! I am not pampered."

"Wow, you've got it bad. You just assume people love you without question like it's your right." 

"No--" Now I'm getting angry, he's right I definitely thought everyone liked me.

"Do you have any idea how many people hate you? The things guys and girls say about you in the locker rooms? Calling you all manner of things from slut to spoiled br--"

I slap him. 

"Do not talk to me like that." I'm seething. His hand flies to his cheek, pure shock adorns his face. For once he's silent. I take the blessing and attack.

"You don't know anything about me, Liam Davis. Of course, I knew everyone didn't like me. I just... just didn't know the other stuff." I stumble over my words.

"Do you know what people say about you? They call you all manner of things from man whore to lush to drug dealer!" I mock. A red handprint already blossoms on his face.

"What would your mother say?" I add feebly. His whole demeanor goes cold and he scowls.

"You know what, Walker? You're a bitch! I don't know what my mother would say, she's dead!" he yells. 

"What?" My face falls.

"Don't bother." He stands and makes to leave, before turning back.

"I know your hiding something, and now I'm going to find out what and expose you."

The door slams behind him and I'm left alone.


After that, I leave too. 

I wait for Brandon, and as soon as practice is over I stomp to the car. I slam the door shut and I can tell that he is confused. I don't want to fight with him, it seems like all we do anymore is fight, but I want to know exactly what people say about me.

"What's wrong, E?" He finally asks.

"I had an enlightening conversation with Liam in detention." I snap. Brandon sneers.

"What about?"

"Tell me right now what people say about me. I know you know!" His face falls.

"Come on, Evie you don't want to know." 

"So people do say things!" I cry.

"Evie, no." He says firmly. I won't be able to forget this, I need to know. I'm in full on hysterics, this whole week has just been too much.

"Tell me now, Brandon." I glance around for blackmail. "Or-or I'll hold my breath." 

"Sure, Evie. That hasn't worked since we were kids. You don't need to know." 

I cover my mouth and nose, look at him, and hold my breath. He scoffs and returns his gaze to the road. At thirty seconds he glances at me. My face turns purple at one minute.

"Evie stop!" He yells. I shake my head.

"Evie!" One and a half minutes and my vision is dancing.

"Goddamn it!"  He swerves to the shoulder and stops the car. My eyes roll back in my head.

"Fine! Fine, just breath!" He shakes me.  I cough and gasp for air. Serves him right.

"Tell me!"

"You are so impossible!" He glares. "Don't say I didn't tell you so."

Twenty minutes later I'm bawling. 

"How could people say those things! What did I ever do!" I cry. Brandon hugs me. 

"They're jealous, Evie. You're amazing in every way. Please don't let this get to you." 

"Don't tell mom," I beg. 

We drive in silence for the rest of the way home.

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