Chapter 1

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You, Governess Yasmine, Pippa and Lancille left for Ragnar's residence not long after your handmaidens helped you get dressed. Since it was snowing, you all had to wear extra furs in order to stay warm during the journey. Lancille escorted your wagon on horseback despite Ragnar's men insisting they would guard you well. As far as he was concerned, his duty did not end just because he was in Kattegat. If they so chose to aid in guarding you, that was all good and well, but he would keep to his course. As for you, you were delighted that he did not stay behind. As nervous as you were, you needed as many familiar faces around you as possible.

By the time you arrived at Ragnar's estate the snow had stopped falling. You and Governess Yasmine were led inside by thralls while Lancille chose to stay outdoors. Despite the fact that he was welcomed to eat with you all, he insisted on patrolling the grounds.

"But what if I should need you?" You asked him with a contorted expression. "If you are far off, how will you protect me?"

With a composed smirk, Lancille assured you that he would know when and if you required his aid.

Dissatisfied with his response, you shook your head in disagreement.

"How so, if you are not by my side?" You scoffed .

"Magic." Lancille replied matter-of-factly.

You glared at him with sharp eyes waiting for him to indicate he was jesting. But as always, he remained stoic and merely nodded. If Lancille thought he was going to get away with saying something so absurd to you, he was sadly mistaken.

"You mock me, Lancille." You said with indignation. "I will have you know that I no longer believe in such things. You forget that I am no longer a child. I am nearly eleven years of age" You added with emphasis on the number.

Lancille swallowed his laughter and straightened up.

"My apologies your highness."

"At any rate, you best appear should I call for you."

"You have my word Princess."

With that, Lancille gave you a courteous bow of his head and walked off to make his rounds.


When you were escorted into the Great Hall, everyone instantly stopped talking and turned to look at you. There you stood in a graceful blue dress made of silk that flowed like the ocean itself. The keyhole neckline was embellished with jewels and golden embroidery and the entire outfit was brought together by an ornate leather belt. Y/C hair was left free despite the many thralls assigned to you asking to braid it, as was Viking custom. You refused due to that very fact. Regardless of what anyone in Kattegat thought, you were determined not to become a Heathen. To complete your ensemble, on top of your head rested a golden laurel wreath encrusted with sapphires and moonstones.

Before anyone could say a word, you courtseyed politely, as Governess Yasmine had instructed you prior.

"My gratitude to King Ragnar and Queen Aslaug for the invitation to your home." You said when you stood straight.

Aslaug smiled warmly whilst Ragnar and the rest of the men at the table merely looked at you.

Aslaug smiled warmly whilst Ragnar and the rest of the men at the table merely looked at you

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