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"I did not care for your display at the docks." An irritated Alfred finally said.

As he paced the floor of his chamber in the West Wing of Ragnar's estate, the Prince seemed on the verge of shouting. You sat quietly in a chair, desiring sleep prior to your welcoming feast, however, you could not interrupt him. In the corner, seated quietly reading a book was Pippa, doing her best to not appear bothered by Alfred's bad mood. Governess Yasmine had already gone to her chamber to rest as had most of the people who arrived with you to Kattegat. You truly wished your soon-to-be husband would end the argument so you could rest.

"Alfred, must you always be annoyed with me?" You asked. "No matter whom I am around, you find fault. You have known about Gunni since the day I met you. He is one of my dearest friends and I have always written–"

"That was then Y/N!" Your betrothed said as he stopped pacing. "We were children. But now, it is not proper for a woman and man to be such close friends."

"What are you saying?"

Alfred walked over and knelt in front of you. Looking at your future husband, you were doing your utmost to keep yourself calm. How dare he think he could tell you whom you could befriend or not? Especially when you had known Gunni long before meeting him. Taking your hands in his, Alfred kissed them first before he finally felt he could say what he wanted.

"Please listen to me. You are going to be Queen of your own realm and also, my wife. It means between us, we are accountable to two kingdoms......two Christian kingdoms. No matter what, at the end of all this, we have to move forward with our lives in the proper manner. Will we remain on diplomatic terms with these people? Of course! But they are Heathens at the end of the day. Therefore, our two worlds can never coincide. Especially when it comes to your social circle. You carrying on as....close friends with them will also have to end."

"Carrying on? Alfred, you behave as if you forget that my father is Ragnar Lothbrok."

"Fortunately, your mother raised you and your Christian attendees did the rest." He said. "You cannot possibly think our children will be exposed to these people?"

You were astonished by his candid disdain for the Vikings. Not that you were expecting Alfred to utterly accept them as equals – his Christian upbringing would never allow it. However, you were surprised that he thought so poorly of people who had helped you after your mother's murder.

"I do not think you are being fair." You said trying to stay very tactful.

"Listen Y/N, I love you. But I only find your father, Bjorn and Queen Aslaug agreeable. The rest......well, as I stated, I do not wish them to be around you.

There he went again! Telling you how you were to live your life and whom you could socialize with. Since you were still worn from the journey to Kattegat, you were in no mood to argue with him. Additionally, you were trying your best to do as Governess Yasmine had advised.

"Say something, my love." A worried Alfred said - bringing your hands to his lips and kissing them.

"I am exhausted. Would it be alright if we finished discussing this after I have had some rest?"

Alfred smirked and nodded his head. Standing up, he took you by your hand and stated he would walk you to your chambers. As the two of you exited the chamber, Pippa followed. Your five Handmaids; who had been seated in the hallway; immediately trailed behind you as well. Alfred glanced at you a moment as if he had something to say but was contemplating whether to speak up or not.

"What is it?" You asked as the two of you continued on.

Pleased by your intuition, Alfred regarded you with admiration briefly before speaking.

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