The Delinquent's First Love - Twenty-Seven

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The Delinquent's First Love – Twenty-Seven

My eyes were wide open and I stared at nothing in particular. I knew that I was blinking but it felt like my eyes never closed. Was it my imagination playing tricks on me? I felt cold inside. There's nothing I could feel but the harshness of the reality that I met my parent's murderer's brother. The thing about it was that, I once fell for his traps. The good looks and deceiving gestures...

I couldn’t believe that Mr. Cameron was taking his revenge when I didn’t even do anything to him or his brother. My family didn’t have anything to do with them. It’s them who came into our lives and broke it down to pieces. It’s them who wanted to get involve with us but still in the end, we were treated like we’re the killers, the murderers.

I couldn’t close my eyes and even if I could, I didn’t want to. After Mr. Cameron told me everything he knew, I couldn’t stand closing my eyes even for a fraction of a second. All of the horrors of the past were haunting me, running after me as if I did something for them to follow me like that. It was inevitable, I knew that. But I tried moving on. I tried to push it in the back of my mind but in just a snap of a finger, it all came back with horror I couldn’t face at all.

Tears were never ending for my eyes but there’s nothing I could feel inside. I felt betrayed by the mere fact that my parents were already free from pain and I was left alone to endure it all.

“Jessica?” someone called my name. Or was it my name?

“Jessica,”another voice said.

“She’s been like that since she got here. I mean…” I wasn’t able to hear her next words. Slowly, my eyes fluttered, waking me back to my senses and I see Emma and Eric peering down at me. Both of them had the worry look on their faces.

“Oh, my god.” Eric immediately hugged me. I had no idea why but he was shaking. “Thank goodness, you’re okay.”

“P-please,” I stammered. I met his eyes. “I want to be alone,” I whispered but hopefully loud enough for both of them.

“She can’t be alone. That’s what your mom said,” Emma said to Eric.

I can’t be alone?” I voiced out my thoughts. “Why?”

She heaved a deep sigh before sitting down next to me. “Someone saw that you were kidnapped and just after lunch, you were back. And you know who has you returned?”

I shook my head.

“Mr. Cameron.”

I averted my gaze then. I knew that it was him. Who would else return me back except him? Maybe he was trying to be this angel who saved me when in fact; he was the one who kidnapped me.

“And Principal Hopkin was ‘Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Wesley.’ And this and that—Sorry for mocking your mom,” Emma said.

“It’s fine.” Eric sighed, watching me intently. “What happened?” he asked. His eyes were fixed on me but I couldn’t stare back at him. I didn’t want to stare to anyone’s eyes as of the moment. This time required me a lot of thinking and I just wanted to be alone for the rest of the day. Or maybe, the rest of my life.

“Leave me alone,” I said, not exactly to both of them. “I want to be alone.”

“You can’t,” Emma countered.

I scowled at her. I knew she’s my only friend here but she couldn’t just decide like that like she’s my mother. “Leave me alone!” I yelped now.

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