Getting to Know Him

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I went back inside the house and heard my phone ringing. It was Darren. Of course, I answered it.

" Hey". I spoke up

"Hi". he responded

" Why did you call?"

" Just asking if it's okay for you that we'll hang out later coz you're the only one that I know around here and I want to know you better.So what do you say?".

I just paused thinking of what I should say.

"Uhm... I don't think I have plans for, okay... what time?".

"Maybe 9." he said.

Then I looked at the clock and it's just 7:49.

" Okay!I'm just going to get ready"




and with that, He hung up.

I went upstairs and got ready. I'm wearing the loose,thick long sleeves that I got from TopShop. It has something on it saying WEIRD then the blue jeans that I just got from somewhere.hahaha. And then my favorite black converse. Then I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I checked the time and it was 8:43. And then I called him and he answered quickly.

"Hey,are you ready?" he asked.


"Same here. I'm coming!"

and then he hung up. woah, he's good at hunging up.

I waited for a while and then I heard the doorbell ringing.

"Hey", i said as I opened the door. I realize that he's also wearing the identical kind of shirt that I'm wearing but it just has SIMPLE in it.

"Did I tell you what shirt to wear?" hahahha...he asked kidingly.

"hahahaha.Nope. Maybe we just have the same sense of fashion.hahaha".

"I can't even call this fashion". he said jokingly again. Then we giggled.

"Okay let's go!!!!!" I said to start goung to the park.

We rode on skateboards. Yes! we both know how to ride skateboards. Then we found a bench near an apple tree. So we stayed there and talked about things.

"What's your family name?". he just asked.

"Empleo. you?"

"Espanto. uhm, what should I call you?" he asked again.

" You can call me El for short. That's what my friends call me."

"Well, I really don't have a nickname,instead my friends call me with my real name. But you can call me Darrs, just for you. But if you're okay with Darren, then call me Darren. hahahaha.".

"okay. To know more about you, what's your favorite color, movie, song, artist, and anything else about yourself".

"Uhm, favorite color is cream,black and white. Sometimes I got the hang of liking gray. My favorite movie is Divergent, TFIOS, and more. It has to be romantic, comedy and sometimes scary.hahaha. I also like action. And I like Ballad, Pop, Pop Dance, and sometimes Indie Pop. I like Bruno Mars, Justin Bieber( these are just made up informations okay?hahhaha. these are not real) , Ed Sheeran, Nina Nesbitt, Birdy, Lana Del Rey, and more. And I like red velvet cupcakes and simple and a little boyish girls."

"My turn, we like the same Everything except for the type.hahahha. I hate boys with very large muscles. I just like the plain type of body.hahahaha. And addition to the likes, I like Starbucks, Forever21, TopShop, H 'n M. I like jeans and converse.hahahaha."

"We like the same things.hahahhaha.".

So we just talked there for like... an hour or two. Until it's lunch time and we went to the mall. We ate there and just roamed around while talking the whole day. When we were about to go home, he gave me a bracelet which is a pair with his. He put it in my wrist and we had a couple selfies showing the bracelet. We really got alo with each other quickly. I went inside the house and waved goodbye to him. When I was about to go upstairs, my mom called me.

"Who was the boy?" she asked with the is-that-your-boyfriend look which was terrifying.

"Nope. Just the son of the family that just moved beside our house."

"oh, I was about to talk about them. They're coming over for dinner." she said excitedly.

"oh?I have to go upstairs and get some rest to be ready for the dinner"

i said while going upstairs. Then she just nodded.

As I went upstairs to my room, I felt my phone vibrate and saw that it was a call from Darren.

"Hey, my mom told me that we're coming over for dinner"

"Yeah, and they're staying here 'til 11:00. "

"Yeah, and I'm just gonna take a rest to be recharged.hahahhaha...bye!".

Then I was the one to hung up to take revenge..hahahaha.. I just hated that he was always the one to hung up our call coz it's just so unfair.

Then I played Ed Sheeran's song. Socorro then called and asked.

"Who was that guy?"

"Uhm, calm down first. It's Darren The guy next door that just moved yesterday." she was getting tempered coz she was like my big sister which cared too much for me and she wouldn't let anyone hurt me.

"Okay, be careful. I'm just suspiscious of who it is.". She said as she hung up. That's what I hate about people, they're always a winner about hanging up calls.

So I just sang through the Ed Sheeran songs. yes! I'm a singer.hahahha. just joking. I sing because my friends told me that I have an amazing voice. So, while I was jamming through the songs, my eyes felt heavy then I drifted off to sleep. Good thing that I had the alarm on by 5:45.

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