Making Plans

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*Adam's pov

We leaned back onto the grass and my hand found her waist while my other held her head close deepening the kiss. I leaned over her and felt her body instantly respond to me, trying to get as close as possible. I still have it, I thought. I kissed her neck and chest, my lips covering her bare skin. "Adam" she whispered and pulled me to her lips for a kiss before pulling away. "Not now" she said softly stopping me in my tracks. Damn. "Maybe I don't have it" I mumbled unintentionally. "Oh yes you do old man" she teased and kissed me again, "I just don't want you rushing this and making a fool out of both of us" she said. "Old man?" I said eyeing her. "Yea what else do you call a 39 year old?" She teased. "In our case? Sugar daddy" I teased right back. She laughed and my heart stopped, damn Jaz you know how to pick 'em. "Yea that sounds about right, a 29 year old woman with a 39 year old man" she said and giggled. My lips found hers again and I couldn't help the smile forming on my lips. "Come on, let's go home" she said. "Fine" I groaned playfully and followed her back to the car.

(Six months later)

"Come on Bella we can't keep hiding, Molly needs to know and this whole not touching you outside the house thing sucks. I don't like your rules anymore" I said sitting at the table. "It's best for everyone at the moment. You don't need this kind of publicity just as you're making a come back and Molly shouldn't get her hopes up." She said. "Not that again, we're in this for the long hall. We've had this discussion, why change it now?" I asked and walked around the counter to her wrapping her up in my arms kissing her neck lightly. "Oh Adam that's not fair" she moaned and fell against me giving in. "I want to go public, I want Molly to know." "They'll say you moved way too fast." "And I'll say no because I've known you for four years" I countered. "Adam" "Bella," I said and we stared at each other. "Fine" she said softly and turned to kiss me. "Daddy? Bella?" Molly said. We turned to her and blushed. "Baby sit down, we need to talk" I said and we all sat at the table. "Do you remember how you heard us talking about mommy wanting me to move on and find you a new mommy?" I asked. Molly nodded but was quiet. "Well Bella and I have been dating" I started slowly. "Dating like lady and the tramp?" She asked. I eyed her, I need to brush up on my Disney movies. "Yes like when tramp takes lady to dinner" Bella said covering me. "Oh. Do you love each other?" She asked. I took Bella's hand, "yes Molly, we do." I said. "Bella do you want to be my new mommy?" She asked. I held my breath, we hadn't discussed this. "Well sweetie, yes. But I could never take mommy's place. She is so special to all of us. But I love daddy very much and eventually I'd like to be your mommy" she said. I let out the breath, she wants to get married. That's good. "Daddy... I think Bella would be a good mommy, and it's okay with me" she said softly.

I smiled and walked around and hugged her, "you have no idea how much that means to hear you say that" I said and kissed her head. Molly hugged Bella and ran to play with her dolls. "She caught me off guard with that" Bella said softly. "Did you mean it?" I asked. She nodded and took my hand standing up. "Then Isabella Anne Sawyer will you marry me" I asked. She nodded and kissed me. I went to the drawer I kept locked and pulled out a small box. "I bought this a few days ago because I knew this was going to turn into something. I never expected to propose this soon but I think Jaz would approve. I understand if you want to hold off wearing this but it's yours and I'll leave that up to you" I said. She stared at the ring, it had diamonds encrusted in the band with a bigger diamond in the middle shaped like a heart. It was simple and took me and Jesse forever to find. "It's perfect" she whispered. "Put it on me" she whispered holding out her left ring finger. I smiled and slipped it on happily. "I love you Adam." "I love you too Bella" I said and pulled her close.

*Bella's pov

"Hey I promise I won't be too late tonight and I will help with the planning" Adam said kissing me as he grabbed his coffee and headed to the studio. "Adam, babe, I was thinking, you're recording all day and working on promoting yourself again and doing gigs all over, how about a small ceremony, just you, me, Molly, your family, my family and the band" I said. "No friends?" He asked. "Babe, do you realize how big of a wedding that would be with all your friends?" I said. "I told you I'm no good in the spotlight, I want an intimate ceremony and a honeymoon" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "If that is what you want then that's what we'll do" he said. "Are you mad?" I asked. "No" I said shaking my head. "Jaz spent a year on wedding stuff and it drove her crazy, I like this idea, simple, intimate, and hopefully no paparazzi spoiling it" he said and kissed me. "Where do you want to get married?" I asked. "Cabo" he said simply. "Really? Okay" I said. "Yea, it's so nice down there. I haven't been since I was touring. I think you'll love it" he said softly. "I'll book it, just give me a date" he said. "New Years Eve" I said simply. "That's only 4 and a half months" he said. I nodded, "I know." He smiled and kissed me. "I'll book it and the food, and maybe a surprise or two" he said and smirked heading out the door. Molly came downstairs then and yawned. "Morning mommy" she said. It was crazy how easily she transitioned from calling me Bella to mommy after we told her. "Morning sweetie" I said and placed a plate of pancakes in front of her. "Yum" she smiled and dug in. I sat beside her and asked for her opinion on flowers. After flipping to the flowers that would be in season, "those ones" she said pointing to the orchids and lilies. "Perfect" I said wrote it up two bouquets and two boutonnières. I went over the list in my head and wrote out the number of center pieces. Then a cake, I thought about all the kids and decided on a small two tier for us and cupcakes for everyone else. Simple.

"Want to go dress shopping? I asked Molly as she finished eating. She nodded eagerly and we went to change. "Can I get a dress too?" She asked looking one window in the back. I laughed, "of course sweetie, I need a flower girl" I said glancing in the mirror at her. "Yay!" She said smiling. "Can baby get a new dress?" She asked. I laughed again, "if we can find one yes." I smiled watching her cling to her baby doll. I pulled into the lot and parked and helped her out. "Hi Patsy" I smiled hugging her as we walked in. "Hi dear" she said hugging me. "Hi baby!" She said picking up Molly. "Nana! Mommy said baby and me get a dress!" She said excitedly. "Well of course" she smiled. Molly ran off to look at dresses and we followed. "How are you?" She asked. We searched through some dresses as we'll went keeping an eye on Molly. "I'm good, it's still surreal and Adam's getting some hate for proposing so soon after Jaz but he doesn't seem to care. It's not like we just met. We've known each other for four years and Jaz wanted this. She told him that's why she hired me" I explained leaving out that it was a dream like he did in interviews. "Yes he told me. He also told me that he never thought he would feel this way again. You're pretty special Bella. Adam told me he never would've made it without you." She said softly. "I'm glad I could be there for him. I honestly never expected anything like this" I said motioning to the ring and the dresses around us. "I know. And those closest to him understand that. The fans will in time" she said rubbing my shoulder. I smiled. "Mommy I like this one!" Molly said tugging on a sample dress. "Should I try it on?" I asked smiling. "Yes" she shouted. I asked the lady to pull my size and she showed me to the dressing room.

"What do you think?" I asked stepping out. "Oh my. That's it!" Patsy said crying. "So pretty mommy." "Yea? Do you really think this is it?" I asked. They nodded happily. "Then this is it" I smiled. "Okay Molly your turn, find a dress" I smiled and patsy went with her so I could change. I helped Molly change and smiled tears welling in my eyes. "Awww you look beautiful" I smiled. "Go show nana" I said. "Nana!!" She yelled and ran out. My phone dang and I smiled seeing Adam's name. "Hey babe." "Hey we're almost done here wanna come by then we can get dinner?" He asked. "Okay we'll be there" I smiled. "Whatcha doing?" He asked and I could hear his smirk. "Dress shopping, and it's going well. And before you ask no you can't see a picture or the dress" I said. He laughed, "fine, hurry up. Love you." "I will. Love you too" I said and stepped out. "Bella this is perfect!" Patsy said when I stepped out. "I know and it's like mine" I said watching her twirl in it. "Can I get it?" "Yes, come on daddy wants us to meet him at work and we can all go to dinner" I said. "Yay! I love going to daddy's work" she said and tried to run out in the dress. "Woah, you gotta change baby then I can buy your dress and we can go" I said. She hurried into the dressing room and I helped her change back. We went to the counter and I ordered my dress when patsy took Molly's dress and a few other things and bought them. "Patsy, you don't have to do that" I said. "You're right but I want to" she smiled, "and call me mom" she said and paid. I paid for my dress and we left. "Come on daddy's waiting" she yelled as I pulled out of the parking lot. I laughed and headed to the studio.

"Daddy!" Molly yelled running in showing me the way. "Haha hey baby" Adam said picking her up. "Hey" he smirked seeing me. "Hey Ad" I said and kissed him. "Eww" the guys and Molly yelled. We laughed and Molly wiggled out to see the guys. "Hey Bella" Jesse said coming up to hug me. "Hey" I smiled. "So I'm gonna sound like one of those magazines but it's only to prep you guys, so why so soon after Jaz? And why so fast?" "Jesse I love you so I say this with all the love in the world, get the hell out of our lives" I smiled with a giggle. "Would you say that to the magazines?" "Yep" I smirked. "But really we'd have to say something. I helped him cope, I've been around for four years. This wasn't really fast because we already knew each other, we didn't need to go through that stage. And yes it was fast after Jaz, but it was unintentional and Jaz made him promise to move on, and that's why she hired me initially" I responded. "You've been well trained" Jesse smirked.

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