Mindless Love (ryden)

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A teacher's pet.

That seemed to be the best description for George Ryan Ross the 3rd, or Ryan as he preferred to be called. Perfect grades, perfect hair, perfect face, even the way he dressed seemed perfect with soft pastel outfits and tons of accessories. The only thing that really stood out to Brendon, was the fact that Ryan always took the seat in the back of the class instead of following the typical "teacher's pet" stereotype. Brendon shook it off as him having anxiety or something, after all, Brendon sat diagonally from the boy with his friends Spencer and Dallon on either side. Brendon assumed the teacher always put him with his friends because of his own anxiety. But Brendon didn't mind that. What he did mind was the constant berating by his friends about being sat near his crush.

Most thought of Brendon as straight. Or more like they used to until Brendon came out as pan by spray painting the school and putting rainbow glitter in all the classrooms. He got a suspension for that and the school still finds some of that glitter 2 years after the whole fiasco. Girls still flirted with Brendon though, being a hot bad boy like himself payed off.

Unless it came to Ryan.

It was like the kid wanted nothing more than to be as far away from Brendon as possible. Leaving the room when Brendon entered, never talking to him even when Brendon asked a question about the lesson, nothing worked and it was driving Brendon insane.

"He was totally looking at you, Bren!" Dallon was going off on him again. "I swear!" Brendon sighed. "I get it, you think you saw Ryan staring at me, but I know he's not interested." Brendon rolled his eyes when Dallon scoffed. "I have to get to math anyway. Bye, Dallon." "Have fun!" Dallon ran off.

Brendon knew immediately what Dallon meant when he walked into his geometry class. Ryan Ross was there. Talking to the teacher and now taking the seat right in front of Brendon. "Holy shit..." Brendon breathed out when Ryan sat down. He could hardly focus on the lesson as it went on, he couldn't stop staring. His crush was sitting in the seat right in front of him, his crushes seat was touching the end of his desk. He could smell the vanilla scent that seemed to followed Ryan around. This had to be Brendon's new favorite class.

Eventually Brendon got bored, deciding to test Spencer's latest theory on mind reading. Brendon thought it would be funny to do a little test, just to prove Spencer wrong. He quickly screamed in his head, as loud as he could go.

And Ryan Ross flinched.

At first Brendon thought it might be a coincidence so he did it again.

Another flinch.

Brendon didn't know what to think, afraid that if he did Ryan would hear him. But..he's probably already heard so much. With a shaking hand Brendon pushed a note into Ryan's backpack and tried to focus on the lesson.

They met behind the school, Brendon felt like a nervous wreck. 'What would Ryan think of him? How long has he even been able to do this? Why-' Ryan rounded the corner and Brendon finally got his first good look at the boy. He was wearing a striped long sleeve shirt with embroidered roses, slightly ripped jeans that were a faded blue, and soft pink converse. Brendon was swooning.

"I..got your note" Ryan's voice was soft and sweet as Brendon sighed. "Yeah. This is going to sound like a strange question but...can you read minds?" Ryan blushed and looked at the ground, he slowly nodded. "I only use it for school! I swear!" Ryan blurted out defensively. "I never asked what you used it for. I just wanted to know....and I wanted to ask you something."

Ryan looked up, confused. "Look.." Brendon started. "I get we never talk and you probably don't even feel the same way but...oh fuck it" Brendon connected his lips with Ryan's. It felt like fireworks going off. Ryan wrapped his arms around Brendon's and deepened the kiss.

Brendon pulled away to breathe and stared at Ryan with wide eyes. "W-will you.." He put a finger against Brendon's lips and shushed him.

"Of course I will, Brendon. You have no idea how long I've wanted this."

"So...date with me this weekend?"

Word count: 765

First one wow. Okay.
If you want a story continued comment and I'll see you in the next one =)

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