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to everyone
who has survived
dark situations
and low points
in life:
take a moment
to breathe
and congratulate yourself
for you have proved your strength
you have made it through
and you
can handle
at you.

- survivors

Brandon Helms

broken hearts only


Grayson and I arrived at Anton's and the rest of the group were already busy with keeping the glasses straight as they're taking a sip. I had to laugh at Fay's face when she saw me and Gray arriving. Her face lit up as she got up from the chair and wobbled towards me, apparently she already started throwing back the cocktails without me. . As we can see Fay is the living proof of that, at the moment.

"Isla! Finally!" her arms swing around my neck and I need to take a few steps back to catch myself and her full weight being thrown on me. "It took you so long!"

"We've only been here for thirty minutes, Fay." Sebastian laughs.

"Thirty minutes and you're already hammered." I say laughing at Fay who's grinning at me proudly. "How is that even possible? Don't you need to pee already?"

"No." She says, she looks off into the distance for a second before she looks at me again. "Actually.. mind joining me?"

I shake my head at her, laughing at the pleading look in her eyes. "Fine, I'll come."

Sara suddenly stands up, "I'm coming too." She says, walking towards us. Kiara doing the exact same. I don't know what is up with girls always following each other to the toilet, but honestly I don't mind at all. Less awkward than walking in alone.

The four of us walk to the bathroom, Fay pulling at my arm as she pushed people aside calling out a giggle and a soft sorry every time she bumps into a cute boy. She loves the attention boys give her. I don't blame them, Fay is absolutely stunning with her pitch black curls and shiny blue eyes. Especially after she drank some alcohol, there appears a sparkle in her eyes that boys just can't resist. As she described us once, with too many details...

"Isla, come with me in the big stall." Fay says, already pulling me along with her.

She pulls her dress up and her panties down and sits down on the toilet. "Isla, there's something I need to tell you." She whispers to me as she scrunches up her face in concentration.

"Please don't tell me you're taking a dump. That 3-minute long waterfall was already bad enough, Fay." I laugh and I catch her small giggle before she makes an exorbitant serious face.

"No, Iz. Caleb is coming tonight."

"Oh..." My mood instantly turns upside down. All the uncomfortable feelings come flowing back and not in small drips. No in big tsunami's. "I'll just go then."

"No, Isla. Please, we don't want that. I'm sure he'll keep his distance when he sees you're with us as well. And besides, we didn't even invite him, he just happens to come to the same place at the same time." She pulls up her panties when she's finally done. "Which sounds like total bullshit, I know. But, please don't go. I missed your banter, I want to get drunk with you tonight."

"Fay." I laugh and shake my head. "I think you're already past that. There's no getting drunk when you're already drunk."

"Fine, whatever, then I'll just get drunkeder." She pulls down her dress and puts her hands on her hips. I laugh at her use of her made up words. She gets really creative when she has some alcohol in her system.

"Ok, I'll stay. Only.. if you buy me a drink."

I put up my finger when she opens her mouth and say, "Two drinks." I outstretch my hand and raise my eyebrows.

"Deal." She shakes my hand.

"Girls!" I hear Kiara scream from outside the stalls. "Hurry the fuck up, I'm thirsty."

I open the stall and stick out my tongue as Fay says, "You're always a thirsty bitch anyway." She high-fives me, something she does whenever she thinks she had a good comeback or burned someone's ego. Most of the times they're really bad and not even worth a high-five, but I love her and her bad comebacks.

"Shut up." Kiara says while we walk out of the restroom, bickering and teasing one another.

As we reach our table the bickering silences and Sara grabs my hand and squeezes softly. I look towards her and I'm utterly confused by her face filled with.. pity?

"What's.." I follow her gaze and I immediately understand why Sara is looking at me like that.

Grayson looks at me and stands up, "Iz." He switches his gaze to the new couple standing by our table. "I think you should leave, Caleb." It was no shock to me that Caleb is here, seeing as Fay told me. But the bottled up feelings inside me are still unwanted and ready to explode when I see him with her.

"Yeah, we will." Caleb says. As he looks at me I can see his regret. Not of leaving me, but of hurting me. I know he never wanted to do that and I surely don't blame him for leaving. "Come on, ."

Gabrielle, his mate. Who is absolutely beautiful. She has short blonde hair, which ends above her shoulders. Her flowery dress fits her appearance. She smiles softly towards me and, despite my hurtful feelings towards her, I smile back. She is not someone who I would despise if I met her under normal circumstances. She is actually someone I would love to get to know and possibly be friends with. But that's just my luck, that the girl who stole Caleb's heart isn't a total and utter bitch.

The next thing I say surprises both me and all the people around me. "It's ok if you stay."

Caleb smiles at me, grateful for my intentions. He knows that I wouldn't want to stir up things between them. He knows that despite everything that happened he is still one of the most important people in my life. He is someone I loved for a very long time, still do actually. Not as anything more than my brother, but still love.

"We'll go, Isla. See you around guys." Everyone says farewell as they turn.

We all sit down at the booth and Grayson grabs my hand as he sits down beside me. "Are you ok, Iz?"

"Yeah I am, thanks Gray." I smile at him and lean into him a little. Letting the tension flow out of me as he swings his arm around me.

He kisses the top of my head after whispering in my ear. "You'll be fine, Iz. I know you will be."

I nod and turn my attention to Fay who's carrying a tray full of drinks, surprising everyone by not tripping over her feet.

"Let's get drunk people!" She cheers and everyone goes along with it.

"Let the night begin." She says and winks at me.

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