you are worth it

300 13 4

beware of people
who try
to make you think
you aren't worth
their time

- you are worth it

Brandon Helms

broken hearts only


Falling behind on things isn't hard to do, keeping up with things is. I felt as if the world moves at a speed I couldn't even reach if I was running. So I settled with walking and ignoring the things I possibly missed while doing so.

The other day when I met Mikael I felt as if the world slowed down for a minute. Then when he decided to leave I felt like it had never gone that fast before, it was like a carrousel at full speed hurling the children off. I was one of the children. When I hit the ground I needed some time to recover from it, keeping myself huddled up on the couch, waiting till someone finally pulled me out of this state. Grayson told me not to care and try to not let my mind go on about Mikael. Even though if you don't want it, in the back of your mind you keep thinking about the things that bother you. Mikael bothers me.

He kept coming back into my thoughts, he even haunted me in my dreams. And frankly, I'd rather have a wet dream about Grayson. Ok, no that'd be weird too. See? This is what he does to me. He makes me go crazy without doing anything.

I stood up from the couch, where my whole body's image was impregnated in. I let my limbs hang loose and shook every bothering thought about Mikael out of me.

Let's move on from this pathetic behaviour, Isla. You're better than this sulking bitch.

Ok, ok. Good pep talk, girl. Short but strong. Just like an Oompa Loompa.

"Isla, what the hell are you even doing?" I stop shaking and look down at the coffee table. I totally forgot that Fay was on speaker, listening to me taking deep breaths with my lips pouted, making this loud wheezing sound.

"I'm trying to meditate." Her silence on the other side of the line tells me enough. "Or whatever the hell people do to get rid of the negative energy. The voodoo. Whatever."

"The voodoo? Seriously, Iz?" She starts laughing and I can't help but join in. "I don't know what all these people come up with nowadays, Fay. How am I supposed to keep up?" A snort escapes the back of my throat, making Fay laugh even harder.

"You know, I'm not even going to try and explain what voodoo is. It'll probably creep you out anyway."

"Fine, just don't make me one of those dolls. That's the only part I know and thinking about it already stops me from turning off the lights tonight before I go to bed." I reply, hearing her giggle as she tells me to meet her later before hanging up.

It's always so weird to me when people tell me to meet them 'later', like what the fuck is later? I just stopped giving a rat's ass and went whenever I'm done. This time it took me 30 seconds to walk to my bathroom and 2 hours to get out of the tub and get ready.

Apparently when I arrived, this was not labelled as 'later'. Earning myself a fist to the shoulder and a scolding for letting her wait that long. It wasn't that smart to mumble under my breath that it's not my fault that people can't be more specific. That gave me a fist to the tit...

"Come on, girl. I've been dying to go for a run." She strips naked and I do the same. Lord, was I happy I was still wearing a push-up bra when she punched me right in the titty.

Things like being bigger than an ordinary wolf, or being able to talk to each member of your pack through mind link, are just non-facts added in books. I already have to endure them in human form, thank God I don't need to in wolf form.

I felt a nudge on my right shoulder and looked to the right, seeing Fay coming to a halt. She turned back into her human form and told me she thinks we should head back before it gets too dark. I nod my head and strode further, waiting till she catches up with me so I can speed up.

Running back to Fay's house I can't help but wonder what Mikael's eyes would look like when he's in his wolf form. Some small part in me wishes we would stumble upon him in these dark and twisted woods, not minding the idea to be devoured by him.

I could feel the rush of blood to my cheeks at my shocking thoughts. Praising my hairy cheeks for hiding the blush, I shake every lingering thoughts of Mikael out of my mind by speeding up even more and losing myself in the run.

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