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if someone doesn't have a heart
you can't go around
offering them yours

Rupi Kaur
Home Body

It's been days since I last saw Mikael in the clearing. I had expected him to follow me home or just shouted my name as I walked off. I even imagined him outside my house, an hour later, with a boom box in his hands playing my favourite song, begging me to give him another chance. Well, as you can imagine none of that happened. All that really happened was me being sad, sipping my wine, but accepting the situation and moving on. Another few days have passed and I feel okay. Content with myself, proud of the chance I gave him.

But as days progressed and I still didn't hear a word from Mikael, I started to wonder whether I made a wrong decision by letting him- well I don't want to say take control... but that is what I did. I let him take control of the situation. I gave him control over the situation. And maybe I shouldn't have done that because apparently it takes days, even weeks, to reach out to me. It would have taken me mere hours, days at the latest. I mean, we are talking about soulmates here.

I'm packing my bags to go to our pack house. Something has been going on there and my father asked me to meet him up there. That way we can take a look at everything together. Seeing as how I will be taking over for him once he reaches an age to stop working. Just like Grayson will be doing for his father, the alpha. Grayson texted me a while ago, telling me that he will pick me up so that we can go drive together. The least we can do is make the best out of this long road-trip we're about to have.

After waiting for a while Grayson gets impatient and honks a few times, telling me to hurry up. So I quickly scatter all my belongings that I need to bring into the woods and hurry outside. Seeing as our packhouse is literally in the middle of nowhere, I need to bring some essential stuff like extra clothes, bathing suit etcetera. Because as much as I'd like to skinny dip whenever, wherever, that's just not socially accepted.

"Yeah yeah! I'm coming!" I scream at Grayson as he honks once more as I'm locking up my front door. Grayson, our friends and I don't live in the mountains like the rest of our pack. We chose to study at an university, the one nearest to our pack, but still quite far.

"Thanks to you we're gonna be late." Grayson grumbles, as I slide into the passenger seat. I threw my bags in the trunk before getting in, but suddenly remember I put my water bottle in my bag.

"Oh wait a sec-" I open the door just as Grayson is about to drive off. I hear him curse under his breath. I have to swallow my laugh as I grab my water bottle. Wanting to laugh at him for getting so worked up, but soon realizing I made him wait for at least twenty minutes. So it really wouldn't be fair of me to make fun of him in this situation.

"I'm sure your driving will get us there on time, Gray." I wink at him as I, for real this time, get comfortable in the passenger seat.

My feet aren't even on the dashboard yet, they were still on their way towards it, when Grayson already hits them off of it.

"You know I don't want you to do that, Isla." He looks at me for a second before focusing back on the road.

"Ah come on...please?" I don't even have the time to throw in any more begging as he once again tells me no. "I don't want your legs to get thrown off if we happen to be in a car accident," he turns on the radio and it comes on to some country song before adding, "we might be werewolves but we can't grow back our legs."

I agree with him on that, "that would be quite cool, if we could actually do that."

We get passionately into a conversation about growing back our limbs. At some point I laugh so hard, about imagining Grayson as Deadpool with little baby legs sitting on the couch with his legs crossed, that I have to hold my stomach with both hands to catch my breath for a solid minute. And before we know it, we arrived at our home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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