Sleep 3

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It was nothing but silence, enough silence to fuel his little terrified mind. It wasn't because he was new to the silence, he had grown up in it after all, but the fact that he wasn't alone at all in it. There was something else, something that seemed...bigger, bigger than what a little boy could face alone. Yet, here he was, alone with it, and it struck fear into him so painfully that he could almost feel it, and it ached as if it had actually been impaled by such a thing. He couldn't let it touch him, not even a light graze, it burned too much to even look at it so he could already imagine how much it'd burn if it were to lay it's hand on him. He couldn't move, he couldn't look at it, feel it, smell it. Nothing, because doing anything could ruin it all, and he wouldn't survive to see the next day. A shaky breath escaped past his lips, causing the thing to shift in it's spot, and causing him himself to tense up. It stayed quiet, he wasn't supposed to speak, or he'd be in trouble, he had to act almost as if he were dead, which he might be if he continued to do anything that would disturb the being. However, it moved again, and closer...and closer...and...
"I-i'm sorry mama..."

Hawks opened his eyes, moving his arm to cover his face from the blinding light that broke through the curtains of his bedroom window. Letting out a small hiss due to his poor, tired eyes getting burned from the light, he slowly sat up. It had been another night of boring old memories, it was all in the past yet something insisted on making him remember every bit of it. He shook his head slightly, to who? Who knew, but he figured himself. Throwing his legs over the side of his bed he stretched and yawned, shaking off the sleepyness of the night and getting ready for the morning. Even though nothing was really planned for today, he didn't mind having a lazy day or just walking around town to hear of any new gossip that might've spread around. News spreaded fast after all, especially with the people he lived nearby.

"Stay near me, and if you run off..well..won't we just find out?"
It came out like a cackle, causing him to shiver and giving him the need to curl up and hide, but he couldn't..who would help him anyway...?

Hawks inhaled sharply at the sudden memory, he knew that voice well but the face that it drew was blurry and distorted. He hadn't seen it in years, it was barely recognizable, but it still brought the pain it had caused so long ago. He stood from his bed, pushing it to the back of his mind to hopefully be forgotten about. He walked over to the door and placed a hand on the knob, hesitating before turning it and opening it. Something smelled sweet, and it had immediately caught his interest, so he took another sniff at the air. It was clearly food, that much he could tell, but he couldn't exactly name it if you were to ask right then and there what it was. That's when he realized it must've been Enji using the kitchen to make them both breakfast, since the older male was normally up way earlier than he is. A small smile curled at his lip as he made his way downstairs, humming lightly to himself a small tune he remembered from a young age.
"Something smells good."
He commented once he made it to the doorway of the kitchen, his arms crossed as he leaned against it. Enji turned his head to him as he continued to make the meal, his body shieling the meal from Hawks's eyes
"And someone's up later than usual, are you doing alright?"
Enji questioned, eyeing him suspiciously before looking back to the breakfast.
"Yes yes, I'm doing just fine, just tired that's all."
He hummed, waving it off rather easily.
"Are you lying to me?"

"Are you lying to me?"
He immediately shook his head, he knew better than to lie, but what he had done was a pretty punishable act, however he didn't mean to do it.
"O-of course not! I-i wouldn't! P-please..."

His mouth slightly hung open, he was about to answer, he really was, but the memory had hit him so suddenly it shocked him.
"Hawks? Hawks? Will you answer me already?"
He blinked a few times before focusing back on Enji, who was giving him a concerned look.
"H-huh? Oh yeah...I'm not lying to you, cross my heart."
"Hawks if you weren't lying to me then what the hell was that all about?"
Enji pressed on, shaking his head as he finished up what he had to do for the breakfast.
"Nothing important, I just remembered something and I had to take a moment, that's all."
Hawks huffed, going to sit down and readying himself for the food, glancing to Enji as he leaned back in his seat. The older male sighed and readied the plates.
"I'm being quite serious here, I'm supposed to be keeping you safe and you know this, but how can I do that if you're keeping things from me?"
He frowned a little, he aleays did feel like a little kid when Enji worried himself a bit too much. He was perfectly fine, it's just a few dumb memories.
"I promise you Enji, I'm alright."
He assured, looking down to the table in front of him. Enji looked unsure of the answer, and Hawks could tell without even looking to him, but soon he just shrugged it off and placed down his plate in front of him.
"Alright...If you believe such then I'll trust your words."
Enji responded with a small sigh, taking his own plate and sitting down.
Hawks studdied the food he had been given now that he had the chance to see it. It had been eggs mixed with a vary of peppers, so no wonder he couldn't recognize the smell. Along with that, in which was lovingly placed beside the eggs, was some buttered toast, with the edges cut to somewhat resemble a heart. It amused him.
"I have to say, this is the cutest breakfast I've ever had."
He teased, playful of course as he picked up the fork to start eating. Enji grew flustered and looked away grumpily.
"O-oh shut up and just eat it.."
He grumbled, only causing Hawks to laugh.
"Oh c'mon, don't be such a grump, I love it."
He said, flashing Enji a smile, and in return he recieved a grunt.
"You know you love me~"

He looked up at the bright light, normally it would've burned to, but this time it didn't, so he took the time to just stare at it. He let out a small breath, a raspy one at that, it was hard to breathe. Maybe that's why the light didn't burn, even though he was losing his sight, the pain was greater in his neck, so he didn't feel the pain in his eyes at all. He was losing air and his sight, the two things he knew he needed, but he couldn't fight against the force that was holding him so tightly in place...
"I-i love y-you p-p...a...p-pa..."
And it grew dark after that..

[I plan to make one more part to this au, and it will explain everything if anyone got confused by this chapter]

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