Midnight Bite: BONUS

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Warning: SMUT
This is a first time so dont be judgin-
This was also a request



"Yes Enji?"
The smaller male asked, hunched over a laptop as he sat at his working desk. Ever since they had gotten the little thing the other was rarely seperate from it, always focused on his work to pay bills.

He sighed as he walked over to the desk, setting down the cup of tea he had gotten for him on the table. He knew he couldn't complain much. He himself was only able to work during the nights for pretty obvious reasons, so he was grateful for Hawks to take the day job.

Still, seeing the male so preoccupied with little time to spend together, he didnt know what to do with himself. Things were much simpler back when they had first met, no electronic device to take the attention away from him, just him and Hawks in their mansion, away from everyone else.

"You should take a break from the screen, you're going to give yourself a headache."

"People have been staring at screens since about the first world war Enji, you should know that. Especially since we took a trip to Belarus around that time." Hawks had answered, the clicking of the keyboard being the loudest sound in the room at that time.

He gently shook his head as he leaned over Hawks, hands on either side of him as he peered closer to the screen.
"What are you even writing this time?"

Hawks was quick to cover the screen as he huffed, "It's nothing! Just another chapter to the book I was talking to you about before."

He raised an eyebrow before he quickly snatched the laptop from under Hawks's hands, holding it out of reach so Hawks wouldn't be able to grab it from him even if he was jumping to try to.

Reading over the written words he was shocked.  It was a sex scene between the main character and one of what seemed to be the love interests, overall, it didn't seem like something Hawks would write at all.

"E-Enji! Give it back!"

He glanced down to look at the other, who's cheeks were flushed red from embarassment. He hummed lightly for a moment before gently moving the other out of the way to set the computer down on the desk.

"Thank yo- h-hey!"

"You need to take a break, and I think I found a little inspiration on how to do it."

He grabbed Hawks's arm and pulled him to follow behind him as he lead them to their room, and once inside, he pushed Hawks onto the bed.

"Enji I have work to do-"
But he was cut off when Enji climbed ontop of him, staring down at him with a small pout on his face.

"We don't spend much time together anymore..."  He mumbled as he buried his face into Hawks's neck, gently licking the skin beneath him.

Hawks shivered beneath him as he looked off to the side.
"I-I know but...I..." He sighed gently, "A little break won't hurt I suppose..." He ran a hand through Enji's hair gently, "We'll do what you want to do, okay?"

He let a small smile break onto his face as he continued to lick along Hawks's neck before planting his lips down and gently sucking on the spot instead.

A small noise slipped past Hawks's lips as he held onto Enji's shirt before he had begun to unbutton it, slow and teasing at first, before slipping into a more desperate speed.

Chuckling lightly, Enji pulled back, marvelling at the dark hickey he left behind on Hawks's neck before he looked down at the male hinself.

"I missed this..."
He slipped his hand under Hawks's shirt before pushing it up and out of the way, so his chest and stomach were exposed.

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