16. Merle Talks and Nobody Walks

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     There's been an awkward silence since Merle came out about ten minutes ago. He's just looking at me, kinda like he's trying to figure something out. Eventually getting tired of it I snap,

"WHAT!" He smirks

"just seein how long it would last before ya would get a little jumpy." I glare at him,

"How's this for ya?"

I jump up and start to stomp back to camp. I don't get more than a foot away before Merle stands up towering over me,

"Sit down, we're just getting started."

I glare at him, but sit down anyway more afraid to disobey than of whatever questions he's gonna ask.

     "So start from the beginning what's your full name. And where you were before the world went to s... crap." He corrected himself surprisingly.

"My names Mason Marie Young, I was born on August nineteen, and that's about it."

    He shakes his head,
"Nah you ain't gettin off that easy, now who are your parents?" I smirk.

"My mom was a nurse, and my dad was a doctor, they met, fell madly in love, and are now relentlessly trying to find the missing piece of their world... ME,"

I say with sarcasm practically spewing out of my mouth. He gives that look that says I'm not as funny as I think I am.

"Ya know I'm not against thumpin ya on the head just cause your a little girl." I return his glare.

"Well maybe if ya would keep yourself outta my business, ya wouldn't have to."

He gives a scary laugh and a look that says none of this is very humorous. I gulp, maybe I went too far this time.

"If ya don't tell me whatever I want too know now, and without your sass. I'm gonna tie you to that tree till the morning."

I can tell he's not gonna give an empty threat... so I decide to tell him the bare minimum. And start out nervously, hoping he doesn't press for more than I want to give him.

     "It's a long story," I sigh hoping he'll just give up.

"Well its a long night,"
I look down and bite my bottom lip.

"Well when it all started I was hunting saw one of those things get its head blown off, and ran home. My dad wasn't there so I packed up and waited till he got back." Merle raised his eyebrows...


"That's about it, we drove to Atlanta but were caught in the traffic. He left and didn't come back, then the explosions happened. I figured that with all the noise and stuff maybe it would attract the infected people, and..." he cut in Before I could finish.

"Ya mean the walkers."

He didn't say it as a question though. It was more of a correction. I paused and opened my mouth to speak, but closed it after a minute.

"One thing ya need to get through your head, those things ain't people no more. They's dead and nothing's gonna change. No use in feelin bad for them." I stuttered a little before I could clear my throat,

"I didn't say I..." He Cuts me off again.

"I can see it in your eyes no use in lying bout it, now say it." I am now thoroughly confused,

"I need to hear that ya understand their dead. If ya feel bad, see them as people you'll be afraid to kill them. That's gonna get ya killed, So say it... 'their dead, they ain't comin back and I'm gonna kill everyone of em so's I can so I stay alive.' Go on say it." I look down and stay quiet.

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