20. New Sheriff In Town

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I hear the others start to make their way up stairs, yelling bout all the gunfire. I make the mistake of looking toward the door.

     Before I know it the gun is ripped out of my hands, and Merle has a hold of it, and me. He shakes me really hard, and yells at me.

"Ya almost shot me! If you ever do tha again I'll..."

He gets cut off by Glenn.

"Hey take it easy she's just a kid."

I understand why Merle's angry at me, I mean I did almost shoot him.

"She almost shot me!"

He orders in a stern voice.

"Go sit down over there, and stay quiet."

I do as I'm told without a word. He puts my gun down beside him, and stands on the thick ledge, and starts shooting at the creatures down below. Glenn must've gotten ahead of the others, cause they all start pilling through the door after our confrontation.

    "Hey Dixon are you crazy?!"

Merle just laughs.

"oh jeez." Andrea sighs.

"Hey! Y'all be more polite to a man with a gun, common sense!"

Merle laughs. As T Dog jumps off the ledge over a few pipes.

"Man, you wasting bullets we ain't even got! And your bringing even more them down on us! Man, just chill."

"Bad enough I've got this eight-year-old little terror on my back all day. now I'm going to take orders from you? I don't think so bro that'll be the day."

Merle shoots back. T-Dog looks hurt, and mad.

"that'll be the day? You got something you wanna tell me?"

I look to Merle, oh boy here it comes. Morales tried to talk him down,

"hey, T- Dog man, Just leave it, just leave it, alright?"

T looks even angrier.

"No!" Morales sighs.

"It ain't worth it. Now Merle, just relax, okay? We've got enough trouble."

I look over theirs a new guy with a police officer uniform on, and Glenn is whispering to him like he's trying to tell him what's goin on. He points over to me, and the officer looks at me.

I'm quick to look away, not wanting to make eye contact, or him to try to talk to me. He looks back to the soon to be fight.

Merle of course ignores Morales and gets closer to T.

"You want to know the day?"

"Yeah!" T answers.

He probably isn't gonna wanna know anything.

"I'll tell you the day, Mr. Yo." He pauses.

" It's the day I take orders from a black man."

He doesn't use such a respectful term though.

     T-Dog takes a swing at Merle's face, and I gasp. As Merle blocks the blow, and uses the butt of his gun to smack T in the face, hard. The new guy steps in.

"hey, come on, Merle. That's enough!"

Even Andrea is trying to stop it, Why is she here again? Well, I guess she could say the same thing about me.

"Come on!"

Everybody's shouting, and trying to Break up the fight. Merle turns around and decks the sheriff guy in the face. He falls over, and looks a little stunned that first. He gets up, and I see him start to go around. Merle slams T's head into the pipe, and the pipe is covered in a spot of his blood. Maybe I should try something,

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