10. Best Watch Your Mouth Sunshine

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I want to go down to the quarry by myself, but if I ask officer Shane he'll come with me. Maybe Glenn will go with me, it's worth a shot.

"Hey, Glenn,"

"Hey Mase, what's up?"

"Not much, are you super busy?"

"No not really. Why?"

"cause I'm bored out of my mind, and I want to go to the quarry... but I have to have an adult. So I was wondering..." Glenn smiles at me.

"Sure, If Shane would count me as an adult," He scoffs. If he didn't I would go anyway, and just accept what punishment Shane gives me, it can't be anything worse than what I've gotten before.

"Go ask Shane if it's alright."

    When I finally find Shane he's not in a good mood.

"Hey officer Shane?" I ask politely.

"what is it Mason?" He sighs.

"Can I go with Glenn to the quarry? Apollo is getting restless." He looks at me for a minute.

"Well, I guess I don't mind as long as you obey Glenn and come back when he comes back, and I'll ask him if ya we're good when he gets back." He says in a warning tone.

"It's almost as if you don't trust me," I act hurt. He just rolls his eyes and walks away. So I'm gonna go find Glenn.

   "Glenn, he said yes."

"Alright what are we waiting for, let's go."

     We race to the quarry, he let me win cause I was so much smaller than him. As soon as we're there Apollo jumps in the water and swims around contently. I sit by the water, while Glenn puts his feet in and walks around a bit.

"Hey Mase, do you mind if I ask you somethin?"

"Depends on what it is." He pauses for a minute.

"do you know where your dad is, Or why he left?"  I look down


"Why don't you listen to Shane or Lori, or anyone?"

"Because I don't have to. they think I need them, but I don't, I don't need anybody. Except maybe Apollo." he just looks at me,

"You should start to open up, Shane wants what's best for you and he wants you to like him. He thinks what you need is an actual father figure to look up to. Somebody to tell ya what to do, when to do it, and to tell ya off if you decide not to."

"Why would he think that, it's obvious I'm not gonna do what he says." Glenn kinda frowns.

"You need to start listening cause if you don't I'm not gonna back you up for disobeying. You're eight years old, you need someone to keep an eye out for ya. Shane was a police officer, he's a good guy who's still trying to make a difference you can trust him. At least try that's all I'm asking." 

"I would, but I don't trust anyone, not even you all the way. I probably never will, just not how I was raised."

"Well it sucks." I smirk at his comment, cause he said it on the first night I met him, and he smiles back. We sit in silence for a while longer.

   "Come on Apollo!"
   When he gets out of the water he shakes getting me soaked. If I stunk before I must smell terrible now from wet dog.

"You need a bath." Glenn says looking grossed out.

"Well you need a girlfriend, but we can't have it all can we?" He laughs and messes my hair up. Not that it looked nice before. We walk back slowly hoping I will dry off a bit in the process.

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