35. Deal With The Dev... Shane

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      When I wake up, Daryl is gone. I get up slowly, and painfully. When I go into the bathroom and turn around, I finally get to see the reminders from last night. You can see thirteen defining marks, they all hurt like the dickens.
     I go to the main room, and I get a shirt, and a pair of shorts. I put the shorts on first. I have a lot of experience with doing things, after my dad would beat me. The trick is to go slow, so you don't move your back as much. Now comes the difficult and painful part, the shirt. I let out a yelp, as I slowly put it over my head. I take a small break, to let the pain die down. When it's a little better, I pull the shirt down the rest of the way. A few tear slip out, but I wipe them away. Dang I'm a mess, but who cares, we're in the apocalypse.
The door opens, and I turn around quickly, afraid of who it might be.
"Stop that, it's jist me." I sigh,
"Daryl I'm hungry." He groans
"Not so loud, girl" I smile, he's hungover this was my favorite part, when dad woke up it was kinda like my own revenge.
"Ya best wipe tha' grin off your face 'fore I do." I swallow hard, and take a small step back,
"I'm sorry,"
"Hey, I didn't mean it like tha'." I nod unconvinced,
"Can we go find some food?" He shakes his head,
"Yeah, T's makin some eggs." Eggs I haven't had those in forever.
I walk over to him, gingerly, and call my dog. Daryl grabs some aspirin off the nightstand, and we leave the room.

(Daryl's POV)
     I saw the scars, not the ones from Shane. I knew it, but I didn't want to confirm it like that. I also noticed the step back when I play threatened her a minute ago. I need to be more careful, with what she's been through, It's more than any kid should have to. Im glad I heard Mason, I might have really hurt Shane. Not that he didn't deserve it, not after what he did to Mason, and Lori. I'm gonna take care of this kid, and I'm gonna protect her.

(Mason's POV )
     The walk down to cafeteria was quiet, but Daryl looked like he was thinking hard.
"You're gonna hurt yourself."
He scoffs, but then goes serious,
"I saw 'um Mason."
"Saw what?" I decide to play dumb for a while.
"You know what, those weren't all from Shane. Where they?" He says more in a way that already tells me he knows the answer. I just stay quiet,
"Masie? You can trust me ya know."
"Yeah I know, and no they where from before all this... But that's all I have to say, I'm all out of answers." He sighs,
"Your gonna have to come clean sooner or later."
"Kept the scars secret for eight years, it hasn't bothered me yet." He doesn't say anything back, just opens the door to the cafeteria.
"In," he orders.
"Hey Mason!" Carl and Sophia say cheerfully.
"Hi, everybody," I say not wanting to talk. I avoid making eye contact with Lori, and sit down next to Glenn, who looks like he's gonna throw up.
"You shouldn't drink." I say quietly
"Remind me next time." He whines, then addresses the rest of the group.
"Never let me drink again."
"Or anybody." I mumble to myself, so nobody can hear me. Shane staggers in, with a swollen lip, a black eye, and scratches down his neck.
"What the heck happened?" Rick asks. I look at Daryl with pleading eyes,
"Daryl and I got into a little scrap in the hallway, just the drinking."
"And the scratches?" Rick questions.
"Must've done those in my sleep."
"I've never seen ya do that." Daryl storms out of the room.
      "Are the eggs almost done?" Lori changed the subject thankfully.
"Yup, here we are." T says enthusiastically. I eat half of mine, and put my fork down.
"Eat the rest of them, you want to be big, and strong don't you?" Shane smiles, and I glare at him.
"Here I found these this morning," he says holding out the books I dropped the other day.
"You can set them on the table in front of me." I say coldly.
"Alright here ya go Mase." He smiles.
"It's Mason."
"Right, sorry I forgot."
Rick, lori, and Carl get up and leave to go somewhere.
"Eat up Mason." He emphasizes my name, and smiles a fake smile.
"Or what?" Everybody stops talking, and forks clanging against the plates stop, everything seems like it is frozen. Nobody talks, just me and Shane looking at each other.
"Guys can we have a minute?"
"No, we can't." I answer his question. 
      I get up, and walk out, not eating the rest of my eggs. I hear Shane follow me, but I take off.
"Daryl! Daryl!" I yell. Shane catches up, and covers my mouth hoping nobody heard me.
"Mason stop it!" he scolds.
"Please let me go don't hurt me, I'm sorry, I'll listen to you, I swear!"
"Mason, shhh."
"Dar..." he covers my mouth.
"Mason! I'm never gonna hurt you!" He uncovers my mouth,
"You already have!" I yell at him.
"Mason, I'm sorry! I'd do anything! I swear just please, stop." I do stop,
"Yes! Anything!" He says exasperatedly.
"You'll let me be. You ain't my daddy, you ain't anything to me. You'll stop bossing me 'round. And lastly you'll not tell anybody anything that happened last night."
"Alright. However I will treat you exactly like I do Carl, and Sophia. You're younger than them, and you're gonna get treated like a kid... just not mine. Deal?" I sigh, and hold out my hand, and he shakes it.
I walk start away
"No chance you're gonna eat those eggs?" I glare at him, and keep walking. I get to the room, and Daryl is sitting on the bed.
"Did ya finish you're food?"
"Well most of it."
"Hmm well go finish the rest." I just look at him, and he raised an eyebrow. So I turn back around and head back to the caff, praying Shane's not there.
Nobody is there thankfully, but nothing is cleaned up. I shove the rest of the eggs in my mouth, and grab the books from last night I forgot on the table. I walk out of the hall, and she Carol, and Sophia,
"Hey," I smile
"Hey, I love those books."
"I've never read 'um, Lori told me they were good ones."
I walk back too my room, and walk into Daryl in the same position.
"Hey, Apollo," He licks my face.
"Hey Daryl..." I get cut off by the sound of the air conditioner shutting off. Daryl gets up, and walks over to it, fiddling with the control.
"What was that?" I ask in a scared voice.
"I think we outta find out. Come on." I get up, and try to keep up with Daryl. Maybe it's just a loose chord or something, but probably not it's never just a little thing.


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