First Dance.

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Joe's POV
I ran into the room where I saw Dianne lying. I turned to Janette and Bryon,
"Wha-what happened?" They gave a glance to each other.
"She came to the apartment looking for you. She was hurt and beaten." I looked back at her, lying there. I scooped her hand into mine. Who did this?
After an hour, Dianne finally woke up. I scooped her into a hug and tears fell off my face.
"Hey Suggy." She laughed and I just gave her a dead look,
"Oh lighten up Joesph."
"What happened Di?" Fear shot to her eyes.
"Oh nothing." I laughed and smiled,
"Di.Obviously something happened or you wouldn't be in hospital." She smiled and pulled me into a hug, I felt like she needed protection.
50 minutes later.
Dianne persisted that we go over the jive once more before camera block through day.
"Come one Joe. One more time."
"Di. Please be careful." She turned around and laughed, she threw her arms around my neck.
"Joe. I'm fine. Okay. The doctors cleared me and said I can dance again. So let's go over the Jive again." Damn this girl was special and empowering. We went over the Jive once more and I was knackered but Dianne was full of energy.
"Di. Can I go home now?" She nodded, I hugged her and walked out the studio. That was a stressful day, I was too tired to get a taxi so I started to walk home. It wasn't that far away really, I went to grab my phone and realised it wasn't there.
"Shit." I whispered to myself, I turned around and started to walk back to the studio. As I was walking I saw a girl with bright red hair sitting down an alleyway. No. It can't be. I walked over there and got a glimpse of her face but she obviously saw me and ran. It was Dianne. What the hell? I followed her, and finally caught up to her. I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me, she had tear marks all down her face. I pulled her into a hug but she resisted,
"Joe please. Just go." She tried to pull away but I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her tightly, and she didn't resist this time.
"Di. What are you doing out here?" I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her. I brought her back to the studio as I still needed my phone, I sat her down and called a taxi.
"Okay. Taxi should be here soon. Now why were you out there and not at home." Her eyes filled with water and I hugged her again.
"Di. Please. I want to help."
"I was kicked out my apartment a few days ago. And when I was in the streets. A couple nights ago, there were these men and-and they beat me and hurt me. That was why I was in hospital." I hugged her and she just cried, I heard the taxi pull up outside and I carried Dianne out to the car.
We pulled up outside my apartment and I carried Dianne in, I brought her upstairs and placed her on my bed. I placed the duvet over her and kissed her forehead, I went downstairs and I was knocked out as soon as I hit the sofa.

Dianne's POV
I woke up and I wasn't cold or on the street, I didn't know where I was. I got up and realised I was still in the same clothes as yesterday, I walked downstairs and saw someone in the kitchen.
"Morning Di." I recognised that voice, I walked into the kitchen and saw Joe with two plates of eggs and bacon on them.
"What am I doing here Sugg?" He passed me the plate as I sat down,
"I wasn't gonna leave you on the streets Dianne. But why can't you go to your boyfriends place?" I looked down and took a breath,
"We broke up." I saw Joe's eyes dull,
"Not because of you. The long distance stuff wasn't working out." He lightened up and stood up, he walked to a cupboard and grabbed two towels. He placed them in front of me,
"The shower is upstairs. I'm going to get ready for camera block." He walked away and I went upstairs to the shower, I think I love this guy!
Saturday night.

Joe's POV
I was sweaty and nervous, I was gonna mess up and I know it. I felt Dianne slip her hand into mine and squeeze my hand tight,
"You've got this." She whispered in my ear.
After the dance.
My adrenaline ran high and I was still buzzing after the jive, it was energetic and I needed lots of stamina for it but we pulled it off. Everyone was back in the dressing rooms,
"How did I do?" Dianne smiled and kissed me on the cheek,
"Amazing. We got a score of 27! And third on the leaderboard."
I love this girl.

Hope you enjoy. I am writing this while getting confirmation that Dianne and Joe and officially a thing. So sorry if the last bit is really rushed and bad but I am fucking freaking out right now! 😭😭♥️♥️🥰🥰💋💋😱😱🦢🦢

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