Oh No!

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Dianne's POV- The Next Morning
I woke up in a comfortable bed and knew it wasn't a B&B. I literally did could not remember what happened yesterday, apart from one part. THAT part. I smiled to myself as I remembered the feeling, he was so gentle and clam. He knew when to stop and-and oh god.
I leant over the bed and threw up everywhere, ugg I felt horrible. I still didn't know where I was, un- until. shit. It was Joe's house, oh fuck. I dragged myself out of bed and ran downstairs to find Joe cooking an amazing breakfast.
"Morning Dianne. How are you feeling?" I twiddled with my toe thumbs,
"Joe. Can you come upstairs please?" He looked concerned, but followed my every move. We walked into the room and he saw the mess,
"Joe. I'm so sorry. I will pay for it to be cleaned and repl-"
"Di. It's fine. You can't help it if you're ill." I smiled,
"Look," he handed me a blanket, "take this go lie down on the sofa and relax, I'll tidy this up and be down in a minute." He kissed me on the head and I walked downstairs. As soon as I got downstairs that horrible feeling in my stomach arose again. I ran to the sink and threw up again, Jesus Christ. What the hell is wro-
No. No. No. That cannot happen. I had to go and get it, that thing. But I didn't have any clothes, I threw on some of Joe's clothes and I grabbed my wallet and went to the local shop.
at the shop
I wandered round and finally found what I needed, I picked it up and went to the checkout.
"Morning Miss," there was this lovely lady serving me,
"Hey." She wiped the pregnancy test across the scanner and placed it in a bag for me. I walked out the shop and went back to Joe's as quickly as possible, luckily he didn't notice I was missing which was good for me. I quickly sneaked into the bathroom downstairs and took the test, now I have to wait 5 dreaded minutes.
It seemed like 50 years before I saw the timer reach zero, and I picked up the test. And- and... two blue lines showed. Fuck, I'm pregnant . I needed air, this could not happen. Its too soon, I still had years before I had planned this. I can't. I heard Joe's voice call my name and I knew that I had to tell him. He can help me. Can't he?
I dumped the test in the bin under a pile of trash so Joe couldn't find it. I walked out and saw him in the kitchen making food, knowing what I know. It was a bit awkward. I sat on the sofa and turned on the TV, as I was flicking through the channels I saw a show about first time mothers. I wanted to stop but I couldn't, maybe when Joe wasn't there, I stopped at Big Bang Theory and slumped into the sofa. I held my hand on my tummy, where Joe couldn't see obviously.

Joe's POV-
Something was wrong with Dianne, I mean, I'm not an expert with this stuff but if a female and male have intercourse without protection (which is what we did) and then the woman throws up the next morning, (which Dianne had done) doesn't that mean they're pregnant. Surely if she was she would have told me. Right? I finished breakfast and gave a plate of pancakes to Dianne,
"You alright Di?" she nodded discreetly and I saw her hand reach from her tummy to the plate, my suspicions rose higher. She would have taken a test right, but I don't have one of them lying around the house, surprisingly enough. I needed evidence to prove myself right, the bathroom.
"I'm just going toilet Di." I saw her eyes open wider and a million worries ran into her head but she pretended to ignore them. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door, now. Where would a woman who is pregnant and doesn't want any evidence hide a pregnancy test... of course. The bin, under other rubbish. I rumbled through the bin until, I-I found it. The POSITIVE pregnancy test, Dianne is not alone out there, she has another me growing inside her. Another Us. She couldn't hide it now. I walked out with the test in my pocket and sat next to Di, she had finished the food and was watching TV. I clutched the remote and paused the show, on a good Penny mugshot to be honest, Dianne turned to me slowly and I could see her breaking.
"Dianne." I could see the tear ducts were about to shatter,
"Dianne, are you pregnant?" I could vividly hear the shatter as fragile tears leaped down her cheeks. she nodded and I fenced her in a hug. I was happy about this and I know that it was Dianne's choice of how she deals with this but I want the baby. Then I thought about her career, Oh No!

OMG! I am so sorry! I have had exams, and then I took a break and spent time with family.
And then recently I have had an AWFUL fall out with my school friends and have been very depressed after that. I am going to try and sort out a upload Schedule that I will follow to a T!

Sorry! Love From Ava! ♥️

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