BF and GF

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Dianne's POV
I picked up my phone. And placed it in my bag, I felt two arms slither around my waist and a small smirk appeared on my face, I turned to see Joe's baby face smile down at me and I gave him a peck on the lips. I was so happy we were back together again and I was glad that my best friends knew it. But, one thing was wrong. We hadn't talked about the baby since Joe hurt me,
"Joe." He turned and saw the softness on my face, his face immediately turned concerned.
"Di. You okay? What's wrong?"
"We need to talk about," I took a deep breath,
"the baby."
His face turned sorrowful,
"We will when we get home baby." He placed his arm around my shoulders and I let my head rest on his shoulder.
"Let's go home. Our home." Joe picked up my bag and called an Uber for us.

When we got back to Joe's it was about 1:50 on Saturday morning, which meant show day. Luckily no one, apart from Strictly pros and the producers, knew that I was in hospital which to be honest was really good because we wouldn't want any unwanted press attention.
As we walked into Joe's place he put my bag on the stairs and went to the sofa, I went into the kitchen to get some water and looked back at Joe. He patted the empty spot next to him, I went to him holding my water and sat down next to him.

I placed my water down on the table and Joe held my hands reassuringly,
"I'm sorry Di. I really am sorry. I wasn't think-" my voice interrupted his,
"Joe. It's my fault." I took a deep and sorrowful breath.
"I felt alone. I felt guilty because I knew you wanted this baby and I knew that I didn't. I obviously want children at some point and it would mean the world to me and them if you were the father but now just wasn't the time.
I felt like I couldn't talk to you and- and I know that was wrong and you should have had a say in the decision just as much as I did but I was scared that- scared that you would force me to keep the baby." His face dropped and I squeezed his hands,
"And I know that you would never do that, I was just in a bad state of mind and I wasn't thinking straight. Please forgive me. Please." A stray tear was brought to my face. Joe lifted his hand and used a finger to wipe the tear, I gave him a weak smile.
"There's nothing to apologise for, it's your body and you have to right to do anything with it. Your career comes first and we can think about a family later. Okay?" I nodded slowly,
"And I should be apologising to you. I should never had said any of those things about you drunk or not. I am the only on who should be apologising, I am the only one who was wrong here."
I jumped onto Joe's lap and gave him the biggest kiss ever, afterwards he turned the tv on and we watched Joe and Casper Hit The Road. Half way through I felt my eyes slowly start to drift.

Joe's POV
I looked down upon the sleepy red head on my lap and heard the silent snores, I kissed her head and carried her in a bridal style up into bed. She was still wearing her clothes from the night out, so I put some of my joggers on her and took off her dress and then put one of my hoodies on her. God! She looked so good in my clothes. I put my pjs on, which consisted off grey joggers and no top, and hopped into bed next to my red haired beauty. I spooned her position and slowly drifted into a slumber.

8:00 am

I awoke to the loud beeping of my alarm and flipped over in my bed to smack my phone alarm to stop, I turned back over to see that Dianne wasn't there and I was in an empty bed. Anyway, I proceeded to get out of bed. I got into the shower and washed myself so I was ready for the show tonight. I hopped out and got changed into some more baggy joggers and a top, this is all I wore to rehearsal and I think they are the only outfits on my wardrobe. Once I was changed I went downstairs to find Dianne in the kitchen with breakfast, she had prepared pancakes, crumpets, waffles, granola and natural yogurt, fruit salad and coco pops, complete with orange juice or tea, coffee for Dianne obviously.
"Wow. What time were you up?" I asked as I went towards the buffet of food presented before me.
"Half Four." My face took an uncomfortable look of shock,
"Di. You need more sleep. This is why the producers gave us an extra three hours." She slipped around the kitchen counter and snaked her arms around my waist, I kissed the top of her head and looked at the food.
"Well... we have 1 1/2 hours until we have to be at the studio. So I'm going to tuck into this lovely breakfast my girlfriend made me." When I let go of Dianne she stood shocked,
"Careful if the wind changes it'll be stuck like that." I laughed,
"Sorry. It's just you have never referred to me as your girlfriend before." I quickly grew concerned by the look on Dianne's face.
"Was it too far? Are you not ready for that yet?" She leaped at me and gave me a passionate kiss and pulled away,
"It's perfect." She whispered. I smiled and we both sat down to enjoy the meal.

Dianne's POV
Me and Joe arrived at the studio and we walked in holding hands, we hadn't forgotten about that deal we made with the producers, I looked over to see Janette and Katya smiling intensely. I kissed Joe's cheek and went over to them,
K: "Sooooo."
I gave a very sweet and blushed smile,
J: "C'mon Di! Tell us!"
D: "Well... he called me his girlfriend."
My blush become very intense and noticeable and the two girls silently screamed.
Things were finally going right!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's short and boring but ya know!
I PROMISE I have a very good storyline coming up! I just need some filler to actually get there. 🥺♥️
It may be good or bad... 😅
Anyway! Hope you have a good week and I'll release the next chapter by Thursday hopefully! ♥️

Love From Ava!♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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