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Joe's POV- After Sunday results show.
After my family found out I was through to Week 2, my phone literally blew up. It was my day off and I just slept all day, I was aching and tired like hell. How the hell does Dianne do this everyday, thinking about Dianne brought a smile to my face. Bryon came in,
"What you happy about Joesph?" I snapped out my trans and turned to him,
"Nothing." I smiled and giggled to myself, I stood up and went to get a glass of water.
"Well done on getting through by the way. We are all proud."
"Thanks Bryon." I yawned and grabbed my water,
"Night. By the way." Bryon said Night and I headed upstairs, just as I lied down to sleep my phone rang. It was an unknown number, I picked it up.
"Hi, who's this?" I heard heavy breathing down the phone and crying.
"Dianne!" I shot up in my bed,
"Can-can I come to yours?" Her voice trembled and was laced with panic over the phone,
"Yeah. Of course!" The call then ended and the buzzing rang through my ears, as I was preparing for Dianne to get her ( which literally meant changing my bedsheets and getting blankets out of the cupboard.) I realised something, where did Di sleep last night and Friday night. She slept at mine Thursday night but that was it, I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and pulled Dianne into a tight hug, she looked a little confused.
"You okay Suggy?" A tear came to my eye and her face laced with fear,
"Joe?" My voice trembled in my throat,
"Dianne. Where have you been sleeping over the last two nights?" She let go off me and walked to the kitchen, she grabbed a glass of water and placed her bag on the counter.
"So ready for the Charleston?" Why was she changing the subject,
"Di. Tell me please." She pulled out her phone,
"Do you want to know our song?" I could see that she was getting anxious she was starting to speed up when talking, I wrapped my arms around her waist and asked her again.
"Dianne. Please tell me what is going on?" A tear slipped down her cheek and her head fell into my the crook in my neck, I just held her there for a moment.
"Di. You can stay here. Okay." I whispered in her ear, I felt her lift her head and I saw tear marks painted on her face. Her red hair was a mess and her mascara had melted of her eyes,
"Joe." I nodded and caress her cheek,
"Anthony found me on the street. And I thought he would help me but-" her eyes filled with tears, I smiled reassuringly at her and I saw her courage rise.
"But he didn't. He kicked me and punched me and slapped me. And then walked off." I carried her to the sofa and she just laid her head on my chest, I felt her breathing relax and her muscles didn't tense up at my touch.
"Di." She lifted her head, I stood up and went to the kitchen. I grabbed something and sat back down, her head found the same position as last time. I opened her hand with mine and placed the silver object in her hand, I untangled my hand from hers and she looked at what I had placed there.
"What's this for?" I smiled at her cuteness,
"It's a key Dianne. A key to my apartment." A smile grew on her face and I think it was contagious as one grew on mine as well,
"Wait. I can stay here?" I laughed again,
"Of course, I am not gonna let you sleep on the street. I'm not mean." She enclosed me in a tight hug that made butterflies circle my stomach, my heart jumped like mad and my smile grew like a flower, bigger.
Monday Morning.
"And down." Dianne instructed as we fell on the ground with bales of straw, I got back up and pulled her up. She nearly fell but I caught her,
"Careful." She kept a straight face and threw the straw back to the side,
"And again." I was knackered and she wanted to go again,
"Can't I have a break?" She walked away and played the music again, I went to my starting position and we did it again. But half way through Dianne stopped the music,
"No. Left, right, right, left." She had a strain on her voice and I went to hug her but she pulled away,
"Dianne. What's wrong?" She went back to music and played it again, I went to beginning.
Again, Dianne stopped but it was much closer to the end.
"No! Joe. You need to go to the left while I go right. Like this." She showed me,
"Got it?" The anger and stubbornness in her voice made me sad and angry, why was she like this. She was fine last night,
"Joe? Joesph! I snapped out my dream and saw anger fill her veins, this was the last straw. I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me,
"What's going on Dianne? You were fine last night?" She whipped her arm out my hand and turned to the music, I went to the beginning again. What the hell had gotten into her?
Me and Dianne left the studio, I called a taxi but Dianne just walked away. I followed her and grabbed her arm and twisted her towards me,
"Dianne. Tell me what's wrong?" She snapped her arm out of mine,
"You." A wave of confusion hit me. What had I done,
"Me? What did I do?" She pulled out her phone and showed me a news article,
YouTuber Joe Sugg has love fling with Strictly Dance partner Dianne Buswell.
I read the article and stood there stunned, what the hell. Dianne snatched her phone out my hand and pulled up a message from the Strictly producers,
Dear Miss Buswell,
You have been issued a warning by Strictly. We have seen recent news articles about a love fling between you and dance partner Mr Sugg. If we see any evidence to prove the rumours then we will have to fired you and Mr Sugg from the show.

Hope you enjoy. ♥️

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