To Be or Not To Be

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Joe's POV
Dianne hit the ground with a loud thump, that kinda snapped everyone out of there drunken state,
"Dianne!" We all shouted in a unison, I dropped to my knee's to see if she had a pulse,
"She's still breathing but it is getting weaker!"
Katya rushed to call an ambulance while all the guys tried to get there other halves home.

After a big debate, Katya, Janette, Neil, Aljaź and me had stayed for Dianne. The ambulance arrived and ran over,
"Hello. What happened?" The woman said as she kneeled the other side of Dianne,
"I- I don't know. We were talking and and she collapsed."
"Okay. Her pulse is quite weak. Has that been getting weaker since she collapsed?"
"Ye-Yeah. It started quite stable and got weaker."
"Okay. She needs the hospital immediately."
Another woman appeared from the ambulance and helped get Dianne onto a Gurney.

"I'm going in the Ambulance with Dianne." I stared to walk hastily towards the ambulance when a hand gripped my shoulder,
"I don't think that's a good idea, when she wakes up half sober she isn't gonna really wanna see you."
"But-but- I love her Janette. I can't lose her. I won't lose her. I can't Janette, I can't!"
"I know Joe! I know! And you won't. I promise." She held my hands reassuringly,
"But just let me and Katya go in the ambulance." I nodded slowly and watched as the two girls rush into the ambulance,
"Come on Joe. I'll drive us to the hospital." Neil came up behind me, and tears stung in my eyes.
"Yeah. Yeah please." I reined in my tears and went off with Neil and Aljaź.

Dianne's POV
My eye's flickered open and I saw white, all white.
Was I dead?
I turned my head to see the faces off Katya and Janette,
K: "Dianne! You're awake!"
J: "Hey reddo!"
D: "Girls. Where am I?"
K: "Your in the hospital, you had a nasty fall."
D: "What? How?"
J: "How-How much do you remember?"
D: "We went out cos I was pissed at Joe. And I ordered the first round of drinks at Club 50 and- and that's the last I remember."
K: "Well um, you called Joe to come and get us because we were all too drunk to speak to an Uber driver and he came with all our boyfriends. And then you just passed out."
D: "Why would I call Joe. I hate the man."
K: "you were drunk, I think it was just instinct."
D: "What. What day is it?"
J: "11:48pm on a Friday."
D: "that means the show is tomorrow. I need to be at the show."
K: "And you will. The doctor said you just needed to stay in for a few more hours. Until you had sobered up a bit more."
D: "oh okay."
I laid my head back again and my body started to relax again, and then a voice. The hint of that voice echoed into my room, I jolted up again and looked at Katya and Janette. They heard it as well, tears swelled in my eyes and Janette left my room.
D: "Katya. I don't want him here. Please."
K: "Di. There's something you need to hear."
She pulled out her phone and tapped her screen a couple of times.
K: "Before you were taken in the ambulance, I recorded this. It isn't edited or staged or anything, this is the plain truth."
the recording
Janette: "when she wakes up half sober she isn't gonna really wanna see you."
Joe: "but-But I love her Janette. I can't lose her. I won't lose her. I can't Janette, I can't."
Janette: "I know Joe, I know. And you won't. I promise."
end of recording
Katya passed me a tissue, I look at her confused for a second and touched my face. Water was flooding from my eyes and I didn't know. I gladly accepted the tissue and looked at Katya,
D: "he really said that?"
K: "yeah. Yeah he did."
I smiled to myself and nodded to Katya, she smiled and left the room. Silence.

A few moments later I heard the door creek open and a beaming 12 year old face appeared at the door.
"Joe." I said trying to hide the desperate tears in my eyes,
"Dianne. Are you okay? I was so worried. You were there and then you passed out and I want to know if your okay cos we have a dance tomorrow-" As he rambled on while pacing around the room, I stood up and ran to him.

Joe's POV
I stood rambling in Dianne's room, pacing and being extremely nervous when the next thing I knew the little red head had her lips pressed against mine. I softy caressed her face and didn't pull away, the kiss became more passionate and deep until Dianne pulled away for a breath. Our foreheads remained touching and I stared into her beautiful brown eyes,
"I love you too Joesph Graham Sugg."
That's all I heard and that's all I needed to hear,
"But, how-"
"I love her Janette. I can't lose her. I won't lose her. I can't Janette, I can't."
I went the darkest shade of red, while Dianne laughed and mocked me.
"You heard me."
"Technically yes. Katya recorded the whole thing."
"Of course she did."
Dianne led me back to her hospital bed and we laid there cuddled up to each other.

After about an hour Janette and Katya came in with Neil and Aljaź.
"The doctor said you can go home Di!" Janette said in the most enthusiastic voice ever,
"And the producers found out with about this hospital visit and said we can all go in 3 hours later then usual so we can get a bit more rest.
I looked down to see Dianne beaming up to me and I planted a small kiss on her head.
I had my world. My love. My Best Friend. My Soulmate. Lying right where she needed to be. With me.
In the words of Shakespeare, 'To be or not To Be That is the Question.'
I think me and Dianne are to be.

Hello Readers,
This chapter might of been quite slow and boring and... shit.
But, it is really just a filler chapter because I have... BIG things coming up.
I just need a suitable path to get there that makes sense!
Hope you had a good read and a good day!

Love From Ava!♥️

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