Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Will my boyfriend. Who I love very much.

And even though my feet are killing me from my shoes; note to self, break expensive pretty shoes in before wearing for a night out, I still hear myself agreeing to go clubbing with the guys.

With Ross.

Deep down, I know I'm just not ready to be away from him yet. Dangerous, but also very true.

So now we're in the car on our way to an exclusive club here in Copenhagen.

Ben is in the car behind driving Denny and Smith. And Dave is driving me, Tom and Ross.

Tom is in the front, and I'm in the back with Ross. I'm hyper aware of his nearness. Of every single move he makes. And even though this car has a roomy back seat, Ross is sitting close to me.

Close enough for me to feel his heat in this well air-conditioned car. I know he doesn't realise or mean to, but he's not helping my current attraction to him subside at all.

If I didn't know better, I'd think he's doing it on purpose.

Dave pulls the car up outside the club. It looks fancy and expensive, and there is a queue of people waiting to go in.

Dave tells us to wait in the car, and I watch as he goes over to the three burly doormen and speaks to one of them who looks to be in charge. These guys are big but they have nothing on Dave, and he seems to have such an air of authority over these doormen as he speaks to them.

The head doorman looks over Dave's shoulder in the direction of our car, then nods his head.

Dave hands the car keys to one of the other doormen, who then follows him toward our car.

Dave opens Ross' door, then Tom's, as the doorman climbs into the driver seat of our car.

Ross climbs out, and then waiting for me, takes my hand, helping me out of the car. He doesn't let go when I'm out of the car and no longer needing his help, and my body flames under his touch.

The music is pumping out of the club, and the level of chatter from the people in the queue increases exponentially at the arrival of the TMS boys.

I feel proud in this moment to be here with them.

Denny and Smith join us, leaving Ben to park their car, and then we all walk toward the club entrance, Dave sticking close by Ross, who is keeping me close to him, and the doormen make a clear path for us into the club.

Once inside, a guy introducing himself as the manager of the club guides us straight up to the VIP section.

I know Ross hates VIP sections in clubs. He never has them at the after show parties. When I asked him why, he said, 'What's the point of throwing a party and then just sitting on the outside watching everyone else have all the fuckin' fun.'

His words not mine.

But he also knows it's not always viable for him to go to a club and sit in the cheap seats, so to say, well not unless he's after a good groping and a night of signing autographs and posing for pictures. Actually knowing Ross, the groping probably wouldn't bother him too much.

And I guess him and the guys being up in the VIP section makes Dave and Ben's job a lot easier.

Me personally, as I've recently discovered, am also not a huge fan of the VIP sections either, well, except for maybe at airports – those are my new found love.

I just find VIP's in clubs to be a little pretentious, and I'm taking about the people in them. Not Ross and the guys of course. We're all kind pretty much cut from the same cloth in that respect.

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