Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Ah crap.

I turn to see a young lad, maybe thirteen – fourteen max, staring at Ross, agape and wide eyed, like all his Christmases have just come at once.

Ross nods to the kid, and puts his finger to his lips, glancing around.

The kid, obviously in some state of shock, just nods his head slowly at Ross.

He looks quite comical, bless his soul.

Leaving me, Ross steps closer to the kid, and says, "I'm out on a date with my girl and I don't want a crowd, you know."

"Uh huh," the kid nods.

"So just don't tell anyone I'm here – okay?"

"O-kay," the kid nods again. He sounds like he's slipping off into a coma.

"You got a camera phone, kid?"

"J-Johnny," he says coming to life a little, scrabbling to dig his phone out of his pocket. "My name's Johnny." He hands Ross his phone without a second thought.

"Great name," Ross smiles.

"Laur, would you mind?" Ross turns to me, holding the phone out for me to take.

"Sure no prob," I smile.

I take the phone from Ross and set the camera on. I take a photo of Ross and Johnny the kid, and then hand the camera back to him.

"Th-thanks," Johnny says to me.

He turns and stares at Ross again. He looks like he has a million things he wants to say to Ross, but they're all stuck in his head. Poor kid.

I know the feeling all too well.

"Th-thanks for the p-picture," he stumbles out.

"Anytime ... and remember, not a word." Ross winks at him, then takes my hand and leads me inside the door.

"I think that poor kid was in a state of shock," I giggle, as we walk into the lift together.

Ross' hired hand is here to accompany us for the ride up.

"I think you might be right."

"That was a nice thing you did back there, baby." I squeeze his hand.

"Just doing my bit for mankind."

I look at him puzzled.

"Laur, that picture of him with me, will help that kid get laid, or if not at least get a girl to play with his dick, and that's all that counts when you're a teenager."

"Is that right?"

"Yup." He leans in close and whispers in my ear, "That's what I was hoping for at Lumb Falls all those years ago."

"Oh," I say, my pulse quickening as the memories flood my brain, but this time in a whole new light.

Letting go of my hand, Ross reaches behind me, resting his hand against my ass, he cups it with his fingers. "We'll have to go back there one day and you can do all the things to me I missed out on back then."

I gulp down. Sex with Ross under a waterfall.

Holy hell.

Before I get a chance to respond, the lift doors ping open, and on seriously wobbly legs, I follow Ross out and find myself in the foyer of a restaurant.

There is a waiter here to greet us.

"Mr. Lynch, Ms. Marano. My name is Adrien and I will be your server for the evening. Please follow me to your table."

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