Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

I don't mention the fact that Ross inadvertently knocked me back in London when I invited him in my flat for coffee that time.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart. But I know what I see, and I see that boy wants you. Men like Ross can be very hard to say no to. I married your father, remember," she smiles, winking at me. "You love Will, yes?"

"Very much."

"So promise me you'll be careful with Ross. You have a gentle heart my darling, and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Okay mama, I promise," I sigh picking my drink up and taking a sip.

Ross returns back to our table a few minutes later, but I feel on edge around him now after what my mum just said.

I don't think she is right about Ross wanting me, but all she has done is remind me of my own growing feelings for him. Or as I should say reignited ones.

We don't stay too late at the club, and leave at midnight, my mum and dad being tired after their plane journey and long day.

Dave takes us back to the hotel, and Ross decides to come too, leaving the rest of them at the club.

I kiss my mum and dad goodnight at their door, agreeing to meet at nine am for breakfast.

Ross walks me to my suite.

"Do you wanna come in and have a drink?" I ask him, getting my key card out of my bag.

"Sure," he says. "Actually come to mine, we can sit out on the balcony. Stuart will be in bed by now."

Ross' suite is the only one with a terraced balcony.

Agreeing, I follow Ross to his suite.

He pauses outside his door. Turning to face me, he tucks a few strays strands of hair behind my ear.

"I had a great day today, but an even better night with you. This whole tour has been amazing so far ... having you here, Laur. It's ... just like old times."

My heart starts to beat rapidly in my chest, and my face heats under his unwavering gaze.

Forcing a clumsy smile onto my lips, I say, "It has. I'm really enjoying it."

He stares at me for a moment longer. Trembles erupt deep in my belly. And for a stupid moment, I actually wonder if he's going to kiss me.

"Let's get that drink." He breaks our gaze, and pushes his key card into the slot, opening the door.

All the lights are still on inside, and we find Stuart watching TV in the living room.

"You're still up," Ross says to Stuart. His tone is surprisingly frosty.

Stuart's eyes flicker between Ross and I, and I read clearly in them what he thinks I'm here for.

"I didn't think you'd be back until later." Stuart switches the TV off and gets to his feet. "I was heading to bed in a minute any way."

"I just came back for a drink," I pipe up. God that sounds even worse now I've said it. Like I'm covering something up, which blatantly wasn't going to happen. "Stay, have a drink with us."

Stuart's eyes flicker to Ross then back to me. "No, I'm fine. I'm just gonna hit the sack." He steps back.

"Come on..." I coax, smiling.

He looks at Ross again, then says, "Okay. Just one drink."

I ignore Ross' obvious sigh from beside me.

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