Chapter 3

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"Girls, what are you screaming about? Your going to wake your mother up, even though she is suuuch a deep sleeper, I mean, she can probably sleep through a whole war! And then you would get into trouble and I would get beaten...again."

The girls were staring at this new person, like she was an alien. She probably was. Isabella had read books about how some aliens could shape-shift.

"I think I said too much," an unknown, foreign voice whispered, so quietly you could barely hear.

Where the pitied, injured fox was standing, replaced a girl. The most beautiful girl they had ever seen! She had silky, ginger hair that shined like the the bright sun in the light, her chocolate eyes were as sweet and soft as honey, and her dress reflected the light on her red, brown and white, sparkily sequins. But, this unexpected young lady also had a bandage on one crumpled leg. Like the fox had.

"How ... Who...?' Lizzie asked, with her hand on the phone, ready to dial 999.

"You'll be wondering who I am then, won't you," the fox girl answered flatly, then, in an awful Darth Vader voice she replied: "I ... I am your sister."

"Is this meant to be like Star Wars?" Isabella nervously joked, "I was just kidding, but you were a fox."

Isabella and Lizzie were extremely confused, or as Theo now called it, confuzzelated. This new beautiful lady couldn't be their sister. They would know if they had had a sister, and their mother would have told them, right? Although she had always seemed quite secretive...

Lizzie walked away from the conversation to go and shut their new front door. When she arrived there, she found that it was already closed, but Theo was looking, more like staring, at Isabella's sensational, new shoes she got the other day. It was like he was studying them intensely, ignoring all the deafening and mini noises. He suddenly saw Lizzie and twisted his body round 360 degrees.

"Where your sister?" Theo hurriedly inquired, eager to get back to doing what he does best - being nosy and listening into people's conversations.

"It's where is your sister, Theo," Lizzie corrected, very laid back.

"I don't know. I was asking you." It was very common for Theo to take his corrections literally, and Lizzie thought it very annoying!

"I didn't mean it like that. Oh well. Anyway, she's in the other room which a fox that turned into a beautiful, young girl that claims to be our long lost sister," Lizzie told him, the last part dreamily.

After, she then thought she shouldn't have told him about everything as he might tell their mum. He trusted her with his life for anything. But he was a child, as were they.

Theo exited the hallway and, since he didn't know which room 'the other room' was, he looked in every room downstairs. While he was doing that, Lizzie watched him sleepily for a while, then decided to desert him and go into the 'other room'. Theo finally joined the girls in the kitchen, which now looked as if a bomb had gone off in there.

"Theo, what are you doing? You should be in your bed with Occy," soothed Isabella. 'You'll be so tired in the morning, mum will suspect something. Unless she finds out. It would be a miracle if she doesn't.'

Occy was Theo's toy octopus as you've, by now, hopefully figured out. He didn't go any night without him. He couldn't sleep otherwise and he would scream and shout until he got Occy back. Occy was pink with bright purple stripes, his eyes lively with life, and a charming smile that would catch anyone's eye.

Isabella thought Occy was quite cute but Lizzie thought he was hideous. Theo wasn't interested in what she was telling him. Instead, he was ...

"Theo what are you doing?! Why are you stuffing bis ... Dad told me you shouldn't be stuffing biscuits in your face or you will get fat," said the girl who claimed to be their sister with a stern look on her face.

"D ... Dad?" the girls nervously spluttered out.

"Oops. Well, you better know then as I stupidly, carelessly let it slip out of my clumsy mouth," the girl spoke sarcastically. 'When mum and dad split up,' the mystery girl put slowly and paused, "Dad took me and mum took you two. I think that it is unfair when your mum took two, well three if you count Theo. Dad only got me. He only got one. One! I sadly understand it, though. They split up because we, me and dad, could turn into a fox. It is good when you want to get away though. But you couldn't. Your mum thought it was... well... dodgy. I want you to come with me. Come back to me and dad. We would start a new life and be happy." The unknown girl's eyes were now glittering, like the sequins on her dress. Any boy would fall for the look inside her eyes and follow her all the way.

"She's your mum as well ya know? And no. We won't. We are going to stay here!" Lizzie exclaimed angrily.

The light in the fox switched off. Isabella, though, was longing to go. She was dying to see her unknown dad and go with her just met sister. She didn't care if she just met her, and she didn't even think about whether to trust her or not. All she wanted to do was run free. Her mum and Lizzie would be OK. They had everything they needed, and more.

The ginger haired girl knew that Isabella couldn't resist to go, and wouldn't be able to stop herself. She had something very special planned for her. Actually, it was her father that had something planned that he wouldn't tell his eldest daughter. Something she would never expect. The vixen had to find her father first, though.

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