Chapter 6

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Inside the cramped kitchen remained the teenage fox, awaiting her sentence like in the medieval times. Her out of place mum was pacing up and down the floor as if she was trying to wear it out and fall into a black void to the centre of the world. 'It would probably be best for everyone if she did,' the blood coated vixen told herself.

The raging woman swiped at her black and red makeup stained face again, with a clean, new wipe. She slowly started towards the frozen fox, savouring every moment.

"This will be the last time you mess with me, Scarlett," the middle-aged hag whispered angrily. "You took one step too far, trying to mess with my daughters. Now, you will pay!"

The mutt's eyes darted to and fro, frantically searching for a way to escape this torture, but instead, only finding a blur of a tail closing all the gaping doors where the irresponsible adult used to be standing. Then, at inhuman speed, the lady came bounding at her, ripping the bandage off her leg, along with the scab of the almost healed wound. But the question was, how did the damaged skin heal so quickly?

The fox, attempting to ignore her pain, launched at the charcoal haired woman. The key word there was attempting, but collapsing in mid jump and painfully landing on her now restored scar. Crystal, appearing in human form out of nowhere, just painted an evil smile upon her face, and picked up a sharp bread knife, discoloured from the amount of dust and dirt settled on it. Closing the distance between them until they were a hairs width apart, she slowly, but relishing her movements, held the knife against the already bloody vixen's furry throat. The fox's head immediately halted dashing around, and she begun faintly whimpering.

"Not so scary now, are you?" The witch stated smugly, whilst violently ushering the girl in her fox form out of the front door near where Isabella and Lizzie's open window hung with a string sliding out. Obviously Crystal wasn't paying attention to their window. She had her eyes glued to the poor fox, like a wolf stalking its prey.

She lead the young vixen around the forest path to where the land ended and was replaced by a jagged cliff. Beneath the lion's canines was a gentle, glistening, ghostly body of water, and, at the back, a waterfall gushing like an open wound.

Scarlett was petrified at the water, and being so close to the edge of the broken cliff-face. She kept re-telling herself that her own mother wasn't that cruel. But she was! Yes, she picked up the fox like you would a harmless cat, and dropped her from the rocky height into the bottomless sea for fishermen to drag up, sharks to eat, or people on deserted islands to find.

Scarlett could see all her surrounding whizzing past her like fog. There was a gust of wind being shoved away whilst the fox-girl was falling.

"They say you can't outsmart a fox," the raven haired murderer told to the water. "Well ... I just have."

A 'whoooosh' sounded whilst Scarlett was hurtling by, but that was all. No splash or slap of her hitting the settled water. The ginger haired girl had fallen, but the surface of the water was still smooth and untouched and no ripples, not even the faintest line, whispered across the shimmering lake.

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