Chapter 24

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Foxes and wolves bounded through the door, not faltering for a second. About twenty of the mutts combined were in the house, snarling towards the unfamiliar pack .

"Crap," Crystal swore. "She was stalling." 

Isabella took one look at all the shifters with her loving eyes. This wasn't right. Their own species shouldn't be going against one another. They should all be working together to get through this.

Isabella was always too empathetic for her own good. That was the one mistake Death had made.

"Look at yourselves," she started, "pretending to be something you're not. You may be natural predators, but has it really come to fighting your own species. Fighting your own kind. Fighting us all? This constant war will break everyone, leaving no one to remember us. No one find us. We won't even become myths." A dry chuckle left the girl's mouth. "If anyone did remember us, it would be for the wild beasts we're all acting like." That sentence earned many growls, but if the hybrid was scared, she didn't show it. She didn't falter, she held her head high. "Think about the children. How do you think they are coping with this? Being constantly at war, not being able to escape the deaths. How do you think they will feel if their parents don't come back? When their parents don't come back? This war will kill us all if we don't put a stop to it. We will all fall if we don't work together to come to peace." 

You couldn't mistake the hope in the girl's eyes for trickery. Everyone could tell she spoke from her heart, and when a girl like her speaks, the only choice you have is to listen. The raven haired abomination was an amazing speaker, casting a spell on everything and everyone that listened, and that made up for her unwillingness to fight. Mostly. 

The wolves stopped snarling and the foxes held wide eyes at the brave little girl. Her speech had turned the vicious creatures into gaping toddlers, pushing their minds into a deep trance of thought. 

As quickly as the peace came, it could not last. More wolves appeared, jumping on the tranced enemies' backs, clawing and biting at their neck, most succeeding in wounding them.

"NO!" Screamed Isabella. Her mother held her back. "No, stop it. It would have worked. You, you ruined it."

"We wouldn't have had peace, my dear," Crystal soothed. "We will never have peace until those retched foxes are all dead." A tear escaped the child's eye. She was, after all, a retched fox. She snatched her arm away from her mother and ran out. Out of the house, into the forest, tears streaming down her face. Foxes ran after her, calculating a way to win, but Isabella was blinded by rage. They could never win. Well, they couldn't win yet.

She turned into her wolf form, facing all of the foxes head on. Let's just say, once she was finished with them, you could only see blood, no fur coat.

A scream sounded. Isabella turned into her fox form, then ran. She didn't look back. She couldn't look back. All she wanted to do was get away from this place, and into a fairy tale land. The only problem was that she already was in a fairy tale land. The vixen stopped in realisation. That scream. Theo's scream.

The forest flew past the vixen, letting her heart lead her. She came to an abrupt stop, bodies littering the battlefield in front of her. 

"Theo?" Whispered the girl, now in her human form. In front of her eyes was a baby bear, tearing a fox to shreds.

"Izzyyyyyyy," screamed Theo happily. Isabella's eyes went wide. Her brother could turn into a bear? Theo ran to the girl to hug her, but before he had the chance the girl jumped up into the air, shifting into her wolf form. She leaped over Theo, landing on Meeka. Meeka's jaws snapped at the hybrid's neck, just a millimetre from touching. She threw Isabella off of herself, gaining the upper hand. A growl erupted from both the wolves throats. They circled each other, waiting for the right time to move. 

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