Chapter 13

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"Hello?" a blue haired lady asked into the phone, her high voice echoing around the half empty room. Inside the room were two identical flower patterned couches, a small wooden table and a rather small television on a glass stand, which suggested that it was a living room.

"I need you to come to the pack house right away!" Exclaimed a familiar panicked voice.

"But you said we weren't to come there anymore," the high pitched voice replied, confused.

"Just get here as fast as possible. And tell the others." That was Crystal's last word, then she hung up.

The blue haired lady took small steps towards the staircase, her high heels clacking every step she took.

"Tizzie, Linda, get ready. We are meeting with the Alpha." With that, the unknown person walked upstairs to get ready and contact everyone else, whoever they were.

About twenty people piled into Crystal's living room, some sitting on the uncleaned chairs, others standing behind them. As Crystal walked into the room, everyone stood up and bowed their heads like she was their goddess.

"You may sit," Crystal stated. She had re-done her makeup and un-knotted her hair, but her eyes were on the brim of tears. She tried to hold them in, not wanting to let her subjects down. She almost held them in, but one lone tear escaped out of the corner of her eye, warming her cheek and stealing some mascara.

The bright blue haired lady stepped forward protectively, but the almost crying woman held out her hand and she returned to her original place. Crystal pulled herself together, taking a deep breath in, and just as she was about to start her sentence, scanning the crowd, she replaced it for another one.

"Where is my Gamma?"

At this announcement everyone started looking around. After a few seconds of confusion, a young girl, about nine or ten, stepped forward.

"The healer is attending to her. She got shot by the man next door three months ago," the girl hesitantly replied whilst looking down.

"THREE MONTHS!!!" the leader screamed. "Why haven't I been told about this... how bad is it?"

"You'd have to see," the little girl whispered.

Crystal nodded her head and told the girl to go back to the healer and tell her that she would be coming round after her meeting. What she actually wanted was for that girl not to hear this.

"First of all, if anyone sees Isabella you must take her and restrain her so she doesn't run away. Again. Second, I need more protection for Theo. I can't let Eric get his hands on him or...well...let's just say things won't be pretty. Especially for Theo if he gets used as a war machine. Lastly, I think we need to get that hunter on our side. He might be valuable and he could be our chance to injure some of Eric's soldiers. Now I must go and see my Gamma. Help yourself to anything you want, but when I get back I want you to have sorted yourself into three groups. One - finding Isabella. Two - protection for Theo. Three - that hunter." Crystal left the room and exited the building. As she walked down, past the fox infested woods and round the lake, she neared a small, green house, camouflaged in with its surroundings.

An old woman came out of the broken door, adjusting her glasses then beckoning for her visitor to come inside. As Crystal entered the room, there was a figure laying on the bed, her eyes open a slit. Further down her body, near her chest, was a bullet wound. A large bullet wound. Around it was like a moat of blood, circling round and round then round once more.

Crystal gasped, her hand meeting with her mouth. That was her Gamma.

She sat next to the body and held the young woman's hand, now letting the tears stream down her face.

"Why wasn't I informed about this sooner? C..can you fix her?' the crying person questioned.

"We didn't want to worry you, with Isabella and Lizzie being trouble. I don't know if she will make it," the healer replied, whispering the last part. "The hunter is a healer." After that last sentence Crystal rushed out of the wooden door that was off it's hinges and sprinted all the way back to her house...she didn't go in though. Instead she went to their neighbor's door and hammered her fists on it. After all, if you know how to hunt, you know how to heal.

"What?" Nicolas shouted, angry for being disturbed. Like normal, he had a gun in his unwashed hand, ready to fire like he had done to the poor gamma.

"I want an alliance," Crystal stated, getting right to the point. She looked into Nicolas' grey eyes and saw a hint of purple. He was surprised. That was the first time they had seen his eyes change. Or so she thought.

As quickly as it appeared, the colour changed back to grey, and Nicolas just smiled. His eyes then turned red. Evil. Everything about him was evil. His gun, his eyes, his smile, even his clothing.

As he continued smiling, he said, "What's in it for me?"

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