Chapter 17

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"Come on! Come quick! We can't let them catch us here!" Crystal hurried him, running at half her normal speed so Nicolas could keep up with her. They were running through the forest, desperately hoping not to get caught by the foxes. They had gone up the path to the forest and the other direction from the cliff edge where Scarlett supposedly drowned.

Crystal slowed down to a walking pace when she was only a few metres away from a stone well. The well had moss and fungus growing in between the cracks and it looked like it could fall apart any second, but it had held strong ever since it was made, 2,000 years ago. There was a stone arch around the well with wildlife grazing everywhere. Until Nicolas came. All animals are taught from a young age who the hunters are and how to recognise them. Some had even had the unfortunity to witness their family slaughtered by a foreign weapon that they don't understand, and can't defend themselves from. The deer fled the area and all that was left was Nicolas, Crystal and the silence around the well.

That well had been there for centuries, her ancestors always coming here to tell someone a secret. This well was supposed to block out the sound to others when a coin touched the water, but once something was dropped in, it could never come out. Unless it was alive of course. Many people had tried to steal money from the well, countless beggars, but nothing could be found. Maybe someone had stolen it before, or maybe it was just magic. Who knows?

"What's in it for you, you ask?" Crystal repeated, now smiling.

Just as she was about to start another sentence, the impatient hunter interrupted her, saying, "Yes. I said that ages ago, and you just lead me to this stupid well."

"'This stupid well' is a tradition passed through my ancestors to tell someone a secret without anyone over hearing it. I don't know if it works, but I'm going to take my chances," Crystal replied, raising her voice. She took out a silver coin from the pocket of her trousers and dropped it into the well, not expecting to hear a splash. The well was deep, and if you fell inside, you would be falling for an hour, but the coins are different. Even though the well is long, the coin's splash is heard within a minute. Crystal heard the splash, and to her surprise, she got sprinkled with water out of the long, deep well.

Quickly recomposing herself from the shock, she softly smiled and carried on her speech. "Now, I'll tell you my answer. As you won't be able to hunt wolves if you help me, you can still hunt foxes. If we win this war, then the whole of this forest will be yours. Completely! To hunt, or do whatever you like, but not build on it. On an exception that any wolf can come to the well at any time. Do we have a deal?" Crystal finished. Nicolas' face remained unchanging from his grey eyes. Then he started chuckling, his eyes turning red again.

"And would you like to tell me what happens if you don't win? What happens if, let's say, the foxes win? Surely I can't take the chance of getting nothing, can I?" Nicolas countered. The only thing he wanted was revenge. Revenge on the wolves. Revenge on the pack that ripped his family away from him. "Why don't I say a deal I will go through with. I'll help you if, when you win, you find a wolf shifter for me. His name is Lucas. He is fourteen, has short brown hair and, well, you'll know his eye colour when you see him. Find his pack and bring him to me when we win." Nicolas knew that this was his only chance to get back his family. What was left of it, at least.

"I think we'll have to do that first, Nicolas. His pack aren't going to be happy," Crystal worried, biting her lip and drawing blood. She licked her wound, then said, "His pack are working with the foxes to annihilate all the other wolves. I go tonight. I'll bring him back to you, for whatever reason it is, and you'll help us?"

"Yes, but I don't see why you need my help. You couldn't possibly want me hunting?" Nicolas questioned, confused. He could see no other things he was good at that she could use.

"No. Not you hunting, but all hunters have to know how to heal. I believe you shot a wolf with a half moon on her back a few months ago. I need you to help her, and any other wounded. You'll help, won't you?" Crystal confessed, unsure whether he would take the job.

"I'll do it. I left her in a very unstable state. I'm not sure how she's still alive, as I always shoot to kill, but you should probably let me see her now. I don't think she'll have much time left," the tanned man replied finally, his eyes trying to conceal the tinge of blue in his iris'. Sympathy. Something that the raven haired woman had never seen in his eyes before.

"We'll explain everything once we get you somewhere safe."

Lizzie and Linda helped Isabella to her feet and they supported her, making their way towards the well. Tizzie led the way, keeping her eyes wide and hunting instincts on for any sign of movements. All the way, the only bad things that happened was Isabella stumbling over a few loose tree roots and grazing herself. Just as they were about to reach the well, Tizzie stopped and sniffed the musky air. Someone's here. Hide behind that bush, I'll just be a second.

Tizzie transformed into a wolf, growling slightly, and pounced into action in front of the 'intruders'.

"Tizzie, what do you think you're doing. I thought you were celebrating Lizzie's birthday with her," Crystal responded to her growl. "Get up, off the floor and tell me why you're here immediately," She said, this time angry. Tizzie transformed back into her human form and shouted, "It's safe," to her friends.

"What the hell are you talking about, girl?" Nicolas asked to her answer.

Lizzie and Linda came out with a limping Isabella in their arms and, before they looked up, set the young lady down. When Lizzie finally did look up, she was more than surprised to see her mother.

"What are you doing here? How did you find Isabella?" The mother shot at her daughter. Lizzie told their story, Linda and Tizzie butting in if she missed anything out. By the end of the story Isabella added, "He tried to drown me. He told me that if I couldn't find a way to win this war, that he wouldn't stop the water from rising," ending it in tears. The girl's once white face was stained a blotchy red and her eyes were rimmed with purple bags. "Whatever he was talking about, we need to end it. I need to end it. If I'm a hybrid, you can use me. I could bring peace among us. We have to try or we'll all go extinct." After the end of her last sentence, the green eyed girl started coughing. She coughed and coughed and coughed, until she finally coughed up blood and water mixed together. Everyone was frozen stiff, horrified at the sight, but a second later, the 13 year old was on the floor with her eyes shut. Looking pretty dead.

I thought the eye colour of Nicolas changing might be confusing so I'll put what colour is what emotion at the end of each chapter.

Red: Evil
Blue: Sympathetic
Purple: Surprised

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