three - safe

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Finn hardly slept that night. 

He was wrapped in two blankets with a pillow on Millie's floor, listening to her soft breaths as she slept. But he was too busy thinking about how he could ever go home again, staying at Millie's forever wasn't an option, but he really didn't want getting every bone in his body broken to be an option either. 

It was a Saturday and Finn buried his head in the pillow as he heard Millie's soft footsteps around the room. It almost made him smile that she was trying her best not to wake him, unaware that he had barely got a wink of sleep anyway. He finally cracked an eye open as she came back upstairs after a while, presumably from eating breakfast and saw her settling down on her desk. 

"What are you doing?" Finn asked and her shoulders stiffened slightly, as if she had forgotten he was even there. She turned around and pointed to her book, Pride and Prejudice. 

"Finishing off our project" she emphasized with a raise of her eyebrow and Finn rolled his eyes, stretching off her floor lazily. 

"Alright, calm down sunshine" he yawned and Millie's face flushed when she saw a strip of his pale chest as the t-shirt rose. "I'll come and help. Got nothing better to do."

Millie studied him as he plopped down on her bed with his head resting on his hands, legs stretched out behind him. His face was still a mess, his eye bruised and slightly swollen and his cheeks sporting a terrible mixture of green and yellow, reminding her of dirty flowers on a rainy day caught in the mud. 

"So...pride and prejudice" Finn drawled out, rubbing his sore eye and wincing. "Isn't it about getting married?"

"Did you even read it?" Millie scolded lightly, chewing on her pencil intently. 

"Briefly" Finn made a weird face. "But it is about getting married."

"That isn't all that it is about! It is one of the most romantic novels in history, full of hatred at the beginning until they no longer reject their destiny and decide that they are meant to be together" Millie sighed slightly, writing down some notes on her paper. 

"Jesus Christ" Finn moaned, burying his face into the pillow, "Why are all girls so obsessed with romance?" 

"Not all girls are" Millie corrected him, sighing, "besides...I don't believe in real romance much nowadays. But it is lovely to read about."

"Why?" Finn snorted slightly, "someone break your pretty little heart?"

Millie ignored his question and leaned closer to him, frowning slightly as she was trying to work him out. There was something about him that made her more intrigued than she ever had been.

"Why are you such a player?"

Finn shrugged. "Lets just say that I don't believe in real romance either."

"So you believe in hooking up with different girls every night?" Millie scoffed lightly, wrinkling her nose. "You can't do that forever, you know."

"I don't hook up with different girls every night" Finn groaned slightly and then glared at her, "what's wrong with a bit of fun? Just because you're a prude."

"Just because I don't sleep with everyone in town, doesn't make me a prude" Millie snapped coldly and Finn perked up slightly, eyes lighting up with mischief.

"Someone's getting defensive...definitely a prude. Have you ever even kissed anyone?" he chuckled, scanning her face with a teasing smirk. 

Millie turned bright red and his smirk grew, knowing that he had his answer. 

"Millie? Are you in your room, sweetheart?" Millie's eyes flew open at the sound of her mother's close voice, hearing her stomp up the stairs. Finn looked at her with panic and Millie acted fast, grabbing Finn's hand and dragging him into her bathroom, locking the door behind them. 

"About to shower!" Millie yelled back, covering Finn's mouth who slapped her hands away with a frown. 

"Can you come down and help me a second? I think there is something wrong with the TV!" Millie's mother yelled making Millie sigh under her breath and mumble a curse. 

"I'll be down in a second!" she called, chewing on her lower lip gently as she finally heard her mother agree and head back down the stairs. 

She turned back to face Finn who was already looking at her and then she realized how close they actually were. Only a few inches apart and Millie found herself looking into his dark eyes, noticing that although they were dark and everything about him screamed danger, she kept getting lost in them. Finn had his eyebrows furrowed slightly, not understanding why he couldn't tear his eyes away from her caramel ones, before frowning slightly and then shoving past her back to the bedroom.

Millie sighed and snapped out of her weird daze, joining him in her bedroom where they finished the project together until it was starting to get dark. 

"I have to go" Finn spoke up after a while, grabbing a jacket and his phone. 

Millie straightened up suddenly, frowning at him. "Where?"

"None of your business" he spat harshly and she flinched slightly, tucking a curl behind her ear with a sigh. 

"Are you coming back?" she asked, noticing that his rucksack was still down by the side of her bed, that he didn't seem like he was leaving with it. 

Finn rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Not like I have anywhere else to go."

Millie sighed, feeling like it was no use trying to be civil with Finn when every five seconds he turned into a jerk. Deep down, she knew that she was worried about him already as if he had not yet faced the consequences behind his injured face. She couldn't shake the feeling like he was going to head out there and get into more danger. 

"Finn" Millie called out helplessly, fiddling with the ring on her thumb. 

"What?" he poked his head back into her window. 

"Stay safe" she mumbled, watching him frown before shrugging as he exited through her window without another word. 


I feel like I'm going to get this question a lot when this book gets a little more intense and spicy, so just to let you know, Millie is 16 and Finn is 17 in this book and it is set in a modern time, not the 80's obviously. 

I am still quite ill, I got sent home from work today because I lost my voice and can't stop coughing, but oh well, more excuses to stay in bed and write! I'll upload the next chapter immediately as well, because I do love giving double updates especially as it is the season of giving and being kind!

How's your Christmas going? I hope you have an amazing time getting in the festive spirit and getting excited for the new year! I'll update more this week, let me know what you think and if you are enjoying this so far! Any predictions?


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