five - protective

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One day Millie had dragged Finn to go clothes shopping as he refused to let her sneak into his house and grab some. But Finn needed clothes desperately as he only had one pair that he had now worn for nearly three days and were starting to smell. Finn didn't have the guts to go back home, too terrified that he may not ever make it out of there alive, his father would surely be there waiting for him. 

Finn had often run away before and had made it on his own for a week, but he couldn't rely on anyone and after some time he had to come crawling back with his tail between his legs. His father would always be waiting, with a smirk on his face when Finn inevitably came home before he taught him a lesson for trying to leave. 

Finn wore his hoodie with his head down, dragging his big feet quietly behind Millie. She insisted on paying for him as he had no money and grabbed a few hoodies, ignoring his faces at some of the bright colors she had picked out. 

"Come on" she called in a sing-song voice while he simply grumbled in reply. 

They made it to the check out and returned home without anyone following them. Finn couldn't help but constantly look around, almost hiding behind Millie like she would be some kind of shield. But it seemed as if the coast was clear. 

"Alright, I'll wash the old clothes. Change into something new" Millie instructed before disappearing, closing the door behind her so that her parents would not find out that there was a boy living in her house. Finn was surprised at how oblivious they were, never entering her room without knocking, as to which Finn would quickly hide in her closet, and they didn't seem to ever hear them talking. 

Finn was quickly getting comfortable there but he knew he could not stay forever, he was just going to have to deal with going back home eventually. He needed to figure something out and fast, before the little brunette got too attached to him. 

After changing, Finn left Millie a quick note to say where he was and left through the window to do some business. His plan was to make a ton of money through the usual people, claim that it was for his father before grabbing the money and leaving town to settle down somewhere else. 

There was nothing keeping him there. 


Three familiar faces emerged from the shadows, Finn's body immediately tensing. They looked him up and down with smirks and glanced at each other knowingly. 

"He's come back" said Daniel. "Daddy needs more money?" 

"I'm not here for chit chat" Finn drawled with guarded eyes, "I came to do business. If you can't help me, then I'll leave."

"What have ya got?" Carlos clicked his tongue with interested and Finn sighed, taking out the packet from his hoodie pocket, the clear packet filled with white powder catching the light. There was enough to keep them happy for a while, enough to get him something to pay Millie back for the clothes and then start saving to leave her life for good. 

"200 grams" Finn's cold voice revealed. "Up for grabs, if you can give me what I want in return."

The three men looked at each other with raised eyebrows and smirks, something which put Finn on edge. They walked closer to him and Finn's body screamed at him to run, but he held his ground knowing that he could not look weak. He didn't like the way that they were looking at him. 

"We have a better idea" Daniel shrugged, a dark glint coming into his eyes. 

"What are you talking about?" Finn chuckled but it was strained, his hands were in his pockets and they were starting to sweat. 

"We had to take some precautions, nobody was sure if you were going to turn up today" Carlos added, shrugging lightly and Finn froze. "Saw you today with a pretty little brunette at the mall. You know her well?"

Finn tried to act like he wasn't bothered but his voice had a sharp edge to it. "What's it to you?"

Daniel's smirk grew. "Well, instead of the usual exchange, how about we get a turn with her once you're done? Would be a shame to see someone like her go to waste..."

"Sorry, man" Finn shrugged carelessly, clenching his fists in his pockets, "but she's out of the question, I barely know her." 

"Then why do you care so much?" James spoke up suddenly, tapping his foot slowly. 

"I don't" Finn spat. "But that wasn't the deal. Stop talking shit and give me the money already or you will walk away with nothing."

Daniel laughed suddenly, glancing at the other two before they all let out a small chuckle. Finn watched carefully as his smile suddenly faded as he rushed forwards and shoved Finn roughly against the wall. Finn clenched his jaw tightly, a sharp pain hitting his back and he let out a short breath. Carlos learned closer to his ear as Daniel held him and Finn glared at them. 

"Careful" he muttered dangerously, "I wouldn't try and make commands if I were you. We don't mind going and paying a visit to your pretty little brunette, right guys? In fact, we would enjoy it."

Finn started to struggle against them, anger filling his veins. 

"Shouldn't be too hard to find out where she lives" James smirked, "Not too many houses around here, and we could knock down every single door if we wanted to. Think about that next time you want to try and threaten us, Wolfhard."

Finn spat in his face. "I just want the deal done, and then I'll go."

"Give us the 200 grams and we walk away, sparing the brunette" Daniel shrugged before he chuckled darkly, "for now, of course."

"Fine" Finn muttered coldly, glaring into Daniel's sharp green eyes. 

He had never given in to a threat and walked away empty handed, but there was just something that was holding him back from being as ruthless as usual. Maybe it was because of her unnecessary kindness which made him feel like he owed her one, or maybe it was because of the innocent look in her caramel eyes, but he did not want her getting involved in this. He practically ran back to her house, knowing that he had to make sure she was safe. 


"Millie?" Finn whispered as he climbed through the window, hearing a sharp gasp in return. 

Millie sat up in bed suddenly, her eyes focusing on the figure by her window, struggling to focus in the pitch black. "Finn? I thought the note said you weren't coming back tonight? You were going to stay with-"

"I know" Finn muttered, kicking his bag angrily as he remembered that he had returned with no money, not any closer to leaving. "I wasn't meant to be here."

"So why are you?" Millie frowned. 

The words left his mouth pathetically, hanging out in the open, "I needed to know you were safe."

Millie frowned slightly, her entire face filled with creases as she tilted her head to the side. She looked like she was trying to figure out a puzzle, and in a way she was. She was figuring out the mysterious puzzle that was beginning to take over her life in the strangest way. 

"What happened?" she mumbled as he took off his shoes and made it to his side of the bed. He slipped in gently, looking down at the sheets with a sigh. 

"It doesn't matter, I don't want you getting involved" he muttered, looking over at her with tired eyes. She pursed her lips slightly but let it go. 

"Goodnight, Finn" she sighed softly, turning over. 

"Goodnight" he whispered into the darkness of the room, trying to figure out what the hell he was going to do. 

All he knew is that he had to keep her safe. 


Hope you're enjoying so far! Let me know what you think and your favorite moment so far, and why! I would love to know. 

I feel a lot better at the moment but still have a slight cold, but the next chapter should be up straight after this one! Keep an eye out as I love double updates for you all! Stay happy, and thank you so much for your support. 


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