seventeen - better

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When Millie walked down the school hallways, the heaviness in her chest became worse, every step making her ache as if her heart knew she was getting further away from Finn. She didn't want to leave him alone, she had argued that he had stayed with her and held her all night long instead of leaving. But he wanted her to go to school still until he could join her, just waiting for the damage on his face to heal. His cuts were still healing and his bruises had faded from an ugly dark purple color to a paler yellow-green, the pain was getting better too. 

She opened her locker, frowning when it slammed shut again, almost trapping her fingers. She turned around to face Iris, who had a sickly sweet smile on her face. 

"Hi, Millie" Iris cooed. "How are things?"

"Fine" Millie answered politely, her good girl senses coming in. No matter how much she hated Iris and how she thought she had this pathetic hold over Finn, she didn't want to come across as rude or unfair. "

"How is Finn?" Iris asked innocently but her eyes were cold. "I haven't seen him here in a few days and thought you must know where he is."

"Why would I know?" Millie asked, hugging her books to her chest protectively. 

Iris sneered slightly. "Well, we all know that you two have become close. Really close, you might say. But look, if you think that he will drop everything for you and suddenly want you, you are wrong. Finn doesn't belong to you."

"I really don't have time for this" Millie rolled her eyes.

"You just don't want to fight back, do you? Maybe you like being the doormat of the school, always nice to everybody and letting them do whatever they want. But leave him alone, understood?"

Millie found anger rising up in her body, remembering Finn calling her the 'nice girl'. All of a sudden she realized how much she had put up with over the years, and a protectiveness that she didn't even know that she had for him suddenly came out. 

"Maybe you should take your own advice" Millie stated coldly, trying to push past Iris who stepped closer to her, snarling slightly. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" Iris scoffed. 

Millie raised her voice, not about to back down. "He doesn't belong to me, you are right. But he certainly doesn't belong to you, either.  He will never belong to anybody, Iris. Just accept that instead of pushing me around for once."

"How dare you..." Iris laughed. "You really do think he wants you don't you? Well he clearly doesn't by how he was having some fun with Jane Hopping last week! Don't think you're anything special, Millie."

Millie pushed back the sick feeling in her stomach and glared at the blonde. "I'm being serious, Iris. I have had enough of your shit and how you treat me, how you treat everyone at this school all because of your pathetic obsession with Finn Wolfhard. He is one boy, okay? Stop acting as if he is a shiny new toy you own. Everyone else may put up with how you treat them, but I sure as hell don't have to. Back off, I mean it."

Millie pushed past her with a triumphant smile, she was nobody's doormat. 


When she returned home, her parents were nowhere to be found, both cars gone. She usually would have felt tears prick her eyes, a feeling of loneliness settling in her stomach. But then she heard the hums from her bedroom, the soft yet deep voice giving her shivers and she no longer felt so alone. 

"Hi" she pushed the door open with a smile and Finn looked up. 

"Hi?" he questioned sheepishly, "you had a good day then..."

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