nine - pain

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Millie woke up feeling like she had been bathed in sunshine, warmth spreading through her bones with a gentle hum. She snuggled further into the source of warmth, sighing contently before she felt gentle puffs of air hitting her neck. Letting her eyes flutter open, she immediately stiffened as she saw ebony curls spread across her shoulder, his face buried into her neck. 

She bit her lip softly, slowly taking his warm hands and guiding them to the pillow, letting him reach for that as she slipped out of the bed quickly. She ran a hand through her curls with a deep sigh, padding down to the kitchen in her silky pajamas, wondering how the hell they had ended up like that when they were on separate sides of the bed. 

Looking around with a frown, she would have expected her parents to be home by now and then her gaze was led over to the answering machine. Her eyes narrowed and she let out a short huff as she pressed the flashing green button, an excited voice filtering through. 

"Hey, honey! Your father has taken me to Spain, and it is beyond incredible. We were meant to be getting a morning flight, but there is a tropical storm over the east of Spain so the flights are cancelled. We should be home in a few days hopefully as soon as the airplanes are up and running. In the meantime, I have transferred some money for groceries and whatever you need to your bank account, use it wisely and I can't wait to see you! I'll try and find reception to ring you tonight, stay safe. Love you!"

Millie swallowed the disappointment creeping up her throat and decided to try and wake Finn up for school. He had told her yesterday that he needed to go back to avoid any suspicion, and to make it less likely for anyone to find him if he was busy at school. 

His head was still buried into her pillow, as small snores escaped his mouth making her giggle quietly. She tapped his forehead playfully, beginning to shake him slightly. 

"Finn? Wake up, it's time for school" Millie called softly, brushing back his hair lightly, smiling at how soft it was. Snapping out of her daze, she shook him harder, "Finn! Come on!"

Finn grumbled incoherently under his breath, turning around and ignoring her. Millie whacked his head with a throw pillow, making him let out a whine, looking up at her with a harsh glare. After several minutes of arguing, Finn finally got ready and joined Millie half an hour later at school, glad that his face had nearly completely healed up. 

As they walked in side by side, Millie tensed up, grabbing his arm by instinct. 

"What?" he muttered, glancing at her tiredly. 

"Why is everyone staring at me?" she whispered under her breath, leaning into him slightly while he rolled his eyes. He noticed that a lot of students were in fact staring at both of them with a mixture of smirks and confused expressions. 

"They probably think we're fucking" Finn shrugged and Millie gasped sharply, slapping his arm. 

Finn chuckled at her disgusted face before they continued down the hallway. A particular face, one that had morphed into a scowl behind the make up, made Finn groan inwardly. One of his ex-hook up's Iris Apatow was leaning against her locker, sending them both a look of what could only be described as hell. She found it difficult to accept that after her and Finn had sex at a party, they were not an item. She acted like a black panther, sinking her claws into him as if he belonged to her. 

But Finn didn't belong to anybody and he never would. 

"Watch out" Finn discreetly nodded to Millie at a red-faced Iris, "she has her eye on you."

"I can handle her" Millie waved her hand dismissively and Finn bit back a smile at how she could often stand up for herself. He watched her send him a small smile and wave before she skipped off to her class, staring at her walking off with a weird expression, shaking his head to himself. 

There was something about that girl that he couldn't quite put his finger on.


Millie didn't mean to hear it, she was just in the wrong place at the wrong moment. Or maybe, the right place at the right time, to see his true colors. 

As she made her way down to the bathroom after lunch, she heard hushed voices by the toilets, one that sounded particularly angry. She walked around the corner, waiting outside the boys toilets where she heard a loud groan which she immediately recognized. 

"Why are you stalking me?" 

"I'm not stalking you, Finn. I just wanted to speak with you, that's all" Iris's whiny voice came from inside making Millie frown, her head leaning against the door, keeping an eye on the hallway in case somebody came by. 

"Waiting outside the boys toilets for me isn't being a stalker?" Finn drawled and then sighed heavily, "Iris, just leave me alone for fucks sake. This creepy obsession you have with me is getting on my nerves."

Millie heard Iris take a step, presumably closer to Finn. "What about your new little toy? The school goody two-shoes? Are you really that much of a cliche, Finn?"

"What has she got to do with anything? I'm not doing anything with her" Finn sighed in exasperation and Millie squinted her eyes, waiting for Iris's response. 

"Do you belong to her now, is that it?" Iris laughed, "has she got you wrapped around her finger? Sure seems like it to me..."

Finn's voice turned dark with anger. "I am not wrapped around anybody's finger, for fucks sake. You mean nothing to me, and so does she. I don't belong to anyone, I am not an object for you to fucking claim, got it? I hook up with a lot of people, don't think you are any different, Iris."

"Is she different?" Iris's voice went lower, taunting him, "is that what this is about?"

"No" Finn snapped, "she isn't different. I barely know her and I certainly don't give two shits about her, so stop trying to think you know me. Just leave me alone, for fucks sake."

Millie heard quick and heavy footsteps with harsh breathing and quickly dived into the girl's bathroom, ignoring the twinge in her heart. She knew deep down that she was no different to the other girls that Finn spent his time with, despite the fact that she hadn't slept with him. She was only giving him a place to stay, that was it. They were not friends or anything more, simply acquaintances. 

But her mind instantly flickered through the past weekend, from messing around in the clothing store to Finn hugging her and apologizing. She thought she had seen a different side to him, when she woke up in his arms and when he told her she looked cute in the sunglasses, which she automatically put in her shopping basket for him. 

But then she remembered who he was. Finn Wolfhard, the notorious player around the school that had slept with most of the girls in their year, as well as a boy trapped in some dangerous drug business that had people out looking for him. He was dangerous, presented with a warning label and a big red sign for people to stay away, something which for some reason Millie had been ignoring constantly. 

She knew deep down that he never cared for her, so why did it hurt so much? 


I just love breaking hearts and causing you all to feel something, sorry not sorry. Hope you aren't too upset with me, and are still enjoying the story regardless, please leave a comment and a vote, it tells me that people are actually enjoying this. 

This story seems like garbage to me, so it makes me so happy that some people are actually enjoying it, don't be a silent reader! Let me know what you think and what you hope will happen next...



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