eighteen - fight

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Finn knew that Millie was going to kill him, he would be cornered as soon as he returned home. He was supposed to come back to the house and get her after meeting with Caleb, so that they could tackle this together. But he was not going to let her get into trouble, he was not about to let her walk head first into danger. He promised that they would go together, but some promises you just have to break. 

When Finn opened the door, he felt suffocated by the smell of alcohol and drugs. He coughed slightly, his eyes peering at the place that he used to call a home. He scoffed, not understanding how he survived for so long in a place like this with a monster for a father. His idea of home had completely changed, the word making him not only think of Millie's soft duvet and fluffy carpet, but the word made him think of the feeling of having her in his arms. Millie was his home, not some trashed up house where his father used to punish him. 

"You finally show up then, boy?"

The voice gave Finn shivers down his spine but he straightened his posture, raising his chin so that he didn't give away his fear. His hands started to shake, wanting to kill his father but he knew deep down that he was better than that. 

His father was sat in the armchair he always used to fall asleep in, clutching a glass of whiskey like he was scared that somebody would take it away. Finn walked closer, hating the way that his father's lips turned up like he was almost imagining beating his son black and blue into submission. But Finn was stronger than that. 

"How have you been, boy? Had it nice, staying with your girl? The boys were telling me all sorts, about her nice brown hair and her-"

Finn cut him off sharply. "Lets stop the small talk, okay?"

He dropped the heavy bag on the floor, the loud smack against the floorboards getting the man's attention. His eyes moved to the bag and he raised an eyebrow at Finn who had his hands in his pockets, holding his ground firmly. 

"What's this?"

Finn stepped forward and kicked the bag towards the armchair roughly. "Why don't you open it up?"

His father eyed the bag carefully for any tricks before unzipping the gym bag slowly. His eyes glanced between the contents and his son's face, his lips curling upwards into a sickening smirk. He took out a wad of notes, flipping through them quickly and holding one up against the light to check that they were real. 

"What a treat, son. You finally finished off the business?"

Finn held himself back from punching his father in the face. He knew from experience that it was a fight that he would never win. 

"In that bag is $50,000" Finn revealed in a monotone voice. "You can count it, get it all checked or whatever. It's real."

His father leaned forward, swallowing slightly. "What is this in exchange for? I know you well enough to know that this isn't a present, Finn."

Finn winced at the sound of his name, something which his father had not used since he was a child. He hated how the man spat it out, like he was dirt. Finn stepped forward further, his confidence not wavering even slightly. 

"You are going to take this money and you are going to leave. I don't just mean this house, I mean this state. You are going to go as far as you can, the other side of the world for all I care. You aren't going to ever come back and you are going to tell of all your little pets to leave me, Caleb and everyone that I care about alone. You aren't touching a single head on anyone's hair that knows me. You leave and that is it, we are done. Got it?"

Finn's father glanced back down at the bag before clenching his jaw, his eyes narrowing as he thought the deal through. 

"And if I don't?"

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