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(Hi guys! I'm back! This video is amazing I love it so much...I hope you all enjoy the video and the imagine!)

Today was Louis and Harry's 2 year anniversary and Louis was taking Harry out to eat and then going back to his place to cuddle. Except Harry doesn't know that. All he knows is that Louis told him to get ready and he'll pick him up at 5:30 that night, but Harry is excited nonetheless.

Harry started getting ready at 3:30 in the evening. What? He needs his time to look good for Louis! He got in the shower and started washing his hair with his favorite coconut shampoo and conditioner. It also may have been Louis' favorite, but no one needs to know that.

Harry rinsed out the coconut scented foam from his hair, and then began to wash his body with his vanilla scented body wash. He loved the smell of vanilla. He stood under the water and let it cascade down his body, it was so relaxing. Once he turned off the water and got out of the shower he dried off with a blue fluffy towel and wrapped and green towel around his head to dry his long curly locks. (See what I did there with the colors 😏)

He walked back into his room and got dressed in a lilac sweater, black jeans, and a pair of his black Chelsea Boots. He then styled his hair and put on some deodorant and cologne. Once he checked the time on his phone it was 5 o'clock and his nerves were starting to get to him. So he just watched some TV while he waited.

When he saw the clock strike 5:20 he turned off the TV and put his phone in his pocket and went downstairs and grabbed his keys so he could lock up his house.

Then he heard a knock on his front door and so he walked over to it and opened it while smiling. There stood Louis with two red roses in his hand and a big smile on his face.

"Well don't you look handsome?" Louis said while looking him up and down. Harry blushed from his words and replied with "thank look good too". Louis smiled and held out the roses for Harry to take " these are for you my love," Harry looked at them and blushed "two for the 2 years that we've been together" Louis continued. Harry smiled even bigger if that was even possible, he took the roses, thanked Louis for them, and then he put them in some water so they wouldn't die.

So they walked out of Harry's house and headed to Louis' car hand-n-hand. Louis opened the car door for his boyfriend, while Harry blushed and muttered a small thank you. "You're welcome, my love" Louis replied.

While they drove to the restaurant Louis and Harry made small talk about how much they love each other and how much they missed each other. Even though they just saw each other yesterday. When they pulled up the the restaurant Harry smiled and took off his seatbelt and got out of the car while Louis did the same.

They both walked into the restaurant and walked up to the counter where the greeter smiled at them and said "Hi there! How may I help you guys?"

Louis just smiled back at her and said "reservation for Tomlinson". She looked at the reservation list and when she finally saw Louis' name she looked up and said "follow me please". They both followed behind her to their table and sat down once they arrived. She handed them their menus and said "here are your menus your server will be with you in a moment" they thanked her and then engaged into their own conversation.

"See anything you'd like to have Haz?" Louis asked.

"Umm I was looking at the spaghetti," he looked at the picture of it on the menu and his mouth watered so he definitely had to get it "how about you Lou? See anything?" He asked. "I was looking at the meatloaf with mashed potatoes" Harry nodded and said "that sounds good too."

The waitress came over to them and asked what they would like to drink. They both ordered some sweet tea and they also ordered their food. When the waitress walked off they started chatting again about anything and everything.

Once their food arrived there was barely any talking just some small talk here and there. Once they finished the food and got a the check Harry spoke up. "Heyyy why don't I pay for my half or the whole thing?"

Louis chuckled and shook his head "there is no way I am letting you pay". Harry pouted and was about to protest about how unfair it is, but Louis beat him to it. "It is fair Hazza" he winked at Harry and Harry just sat there shocked like Louis read his mind or something. Once the dinner was paid and Louis got his credit card back they intertwined their fingers together as they walked out of the restaurant and towards Louis' car.

Once they got to Louis' car Louis turned Harry around so he was facing him and said "I love you so much Harry!" Harry blushed for what felt like the one hundredth time that night and said back "I love you so much too Louis". Louis smiled and leaned in and kissed him. If you asked Louis what his favorite thing to do was it would definitely be kissing or holding Harry. After the kiss Louis stepped back and got into the drivers side with Harry got into the passenger side.

While on the way to Louis' house they listened to music in the car. They were currently listening to Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Harry was humming along and Louis looked over at Harry and sang the last part of the song to him. " I don't deserve this you look perfect tonight " Harry smiled and covered his face and Louis smiled fondly at him and went back to paying attention to the road so they wouldn't crash.

When they finally arrived to Louis' house they walked in and when Louis turned on the light Harry saw a fort and he squealed with excitement. "Do you like it babe?" Louis asked his already excited boy. Harry nodded and kissed his cheek a bunch of times and said "I love it! Can we sit in the fort and watch Netflix please?!" Harry said excitedly. Louis chuckled and nodded and said "of course babe let's go".

Harry got even more excited and dragged Louis over to the fort and pulled the blankets over them and they held each other while watching Love Actually.


(1142 words!)

Wow this is so long! This is honestly the longest imagine I've ever written! I hope you all enjoyed it! I'll be back soon! Bye!

All the love - Anna 😘

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