You're Silly Lou

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Hi guys! It's currently almost 4:30AM 🙈 I cant sleep, my mom went to her friends house and is staying the night there. I feel like I can't sleep when she's not home 😕 so here's a new imagine for you guys ❤️

Today was very busy for Louis and Harry. Sadly, they could barely hang out because they both had so much going on that they had to do on their own.

Harry was currently at home trying to write a new song while trying to E-Mail everyone back. He felt so overwhelmed, but he had to keep going so he could get it done faster. It felt weird being in the house and not hear Louis in the house as well.

Harry started to smile to himself as he thought of the times he's heard Louis curse to himself when he messed up on cooking something or when he stubbed his toe on a chair or something.

So he decided to send Louis a quick text

To: Boo Bear❤️🐻: I miss you Lou :(

Harry then set his phone back down so he could concentrate again. Sometimes he wished that today was an easy day and that he could be cuddling Louis instead of all of this boring grown up stuff.

He pouted when he checked the clock and saw that it was only 1PM and that he won't be able to see his Lou again until about 8'clock tonight.

He didn't think he could handle another 7 hours without his Lou. Just then his phone buzzed.

He quickly grabbed his phone and smiled at the message on his phone and quickly replied. Happy when Louis texted back immediately.

(The chat ❤️)

After getting that text message, it really put Harry in a better mood

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After getting that text message, it really put Harry in a better mood. So he happily went back to his work.

—— Hours Later ——

Harry had been done with his work for over an hour and had fallen asleep on the couch in the living room while he waited for Louis. The time was currently 8:10 and Louis just walked into the house.

Louis took off his shoes and ran into the living room to greet his boyfriend, but he saw him sleeping. Louis awed and gently grabbed and blanket and covered Harry up.

"Goodnight, love. You worked hard today, get some sleep" he whispered to his sleeping boy. He gently kissed his head and went upstairs and got ready for bed himself.

Yes it felt weird sleeping on his own, but he didn't want to disrupt Harry's slumber so he'd have to deal with it until the morning. He then fell into a deep sleep after about 10 minutes, dreaming about how happy he is to be back home with Harry.


In the morning when they both woke up, there was a lot of cuddles and kisses shared. Also, of course, some breakfast in bed for Harry. Louis tried to make his infamous pancakes for him. Well, underlined tried, because we all know how that turned out.

500 words! I hope you all enjoyed! I'll update tomorrow! Hopefully 😂 I'm sorry if this imagine was all over the place, it's 5AM. I'll see you all soon! Promise! Treat People With Kindness always! Also, thank you guys so much for almost 200 reads! That's amazing! I appreciate you all so much! All the love ~ Anna ❤️

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